Hi r1sc! Great to see that you've registered on here. If I didn't already have a few AGI projects in my queue, I'd definitely be keen to contribute immediately to agi.js. I have a history of picking up other people's projects, such as the Java AGI interpreter that I did a bit of work on last year. So I've added agi.js to the queue.
As I mentioned to you a few days ago, I'm currently working on an AGI interpreter in C#, which I notice from your github account that you're also proficient in. I certainly can't claim proficiency since this is my first C# project but hopefully it will turn out okay. It's a shame I can't share the code at the moment. What I did was fork Collector's bitbucket AGI/SCI Developer repo, which I think is private, so the fork is also private (as an aside Collector, I think we should make the repo public if we can). - We seem to have a lot of C# developers on this forum, which is kind of why I decided to write this interpreter in C#.
But I'm also a big JavaScript fan. I've entered the js13kgames contest two times in the past. Neither entry was complete. I always end up being away on holiday for half of the one month period, which means I've basically got 2 weeks to create something new. This year I'm planning to create an adventure game if I can.
If you're not planning to work on agi.js yourself anytime soon, it would still be great to see you in the forums. To have spent all that time creating the AGI interpreter in JS, you obviously have a passion for it. We all have long term projects on the boiler that we come back to every few years. Most of the time we're just talking about stuff.