Yes, as a user of marginal operating system I've had good time to adapt what virtual machines and Wine are for. Alternative releases, for other operating systems would require some sort Github-approach and more manpower.
However all these years and not a single request regarding the Logic editor-theming, guess I'm guilty as well on that one, as it has bugged me since the day I saw the very first version of WinAGI aeons ago.
Ok, while we are at it, PICTURE-creation, bound by laws of AGI. People have used PICEDIT whatnot since dawn of time. But from creation point of view, how about offering a normal bitmap creation-, editing-mode, basically user could draw, paint, as one pleases, no limitations and when the picture is saved, then do bitmap to AGI conversion? Yes still doing pictures with PSP7 and Noptec Vector.
Changing between resources, AGI Studio had it nailed, easy switching from LOGIC to VIEWS from selecting the proper resource from own selection, WinAGI shows every type of resource combined, want to switch easily from VIEW-perspective from LOGICs? Nope, scroll all the way down to find the VIEW-branch. Yes most likely people love that feature as well, gotten used to it during the years, thus maybe optional AGI Studio-detox mode?