Author Topic: What are we working on?  (Read 163387 times)

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Offline Kawa

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #270 on: November 12, 2019, 07:46:20 AM »
I've been mostly working on a fantasy computer emulator, while waiting for some difficulties in the lives of both me and my writer to pass so we might pick up The Dating Pool again. So the only thing I've done on that recently is replacing the simple railing on the space station screens with a hexagonal design which involved a lot of vector tracing, drawing another cameo or two, and updating another.

Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #271 on: November 12, 2019, 09:50:52 AM »
I'm composing the soundtrack for the Coles' next game Summer Daze at Hero-U.
Brass Lantern Prop Competition

Offline Kawa

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #272 on: November 13, 2019, 02:48:17 AM »
I'm composing the soundtrack for the Coles' next game Summer Daze at Hero-U.
Any relation to your current profile pic?

Offline Doan Sephim

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #273 on: November 13, 2019, 08:04:44 AM »
I'm composing the soundtrack for the Coles' next game Summer Daze at Hero-U.
That's awesome! Best of luck!

Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #274 on: November 13, 2019, 06:03:03 PM »

Any relation to your current profile pic?

Yep. JP, one of the artists, has rendered all the team members in the style of the in-game characters. So we all get neat era-appropriate avatars.
Brass Lantern Prop Competition

Offline gumby

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #275 on: October 09, 2020, 09:34:15 AM »
Restarted work on Zork. 

Currently lost in the rabbit hole of palette cycling, I'm getting together a nice room example.  Refining my process, after you get past all the technical gotchas it isn't that difficult, just requires time and patience.  When I'm done I thought I would post a tutorial on how I did it - something that would go along nicely with what Troflip put together in the Companion help file.
In the Great Underground Empire (Zork port in development)
Winter Break 2012 Rope Prop Competition

Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #276 on: October 09, 2020, 05:47:43 PM »
Brass Lantern Prop Competition

Offline Collector

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #277 on: October 10, 2020, 08:54:25 AM »
Restarted work on Zork. 

Currently lost in the rabbit hole of palette cycling, I'm getting together a nice room example.  Refining my process, after you get past all the technical gotchas it isn't that difficult, just requires time and patience.  When I'm done I thought I would post a tutorial on how I did it - something that would go along nicely with what Troflip put together in the Companion help file.

Sierra Script?
KQII Remake Pic

Offline gumby

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #278 on: October 10, 2020, 12:31:08 PM »
Yes, Sierra script.  I'm thinking about uploading all the artifacts too.  Maybe upload a demo room.
In the Great Underground Empire (Zork port in development)
Winter Break 2012 Rope Prop Competition

Offline Charles

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #279 on: December 05, 2020, 11:56:22 PM »
For the last couple of years, on and off, I've been working on a fairly extensive mod to QFG1EGA. I'm touching on just about every room and every script, but in a slightly different way than the two excellent QFG3 and QFG1VGA fan-updates.  It's a fairly ambitious mod for me, and I'm probably another few years away from completion at least.

There's 3 major areas of the game I'm changing (I think and hope for the better).
1) This is the hardest to explain, and probably the most controversial. Replace every Restore/Restart/Quit dialog with Retry/Restore/Quit.
2) Add a new player avatar choice. Female.
3) Add a Goblin Maze and Town Shed interior, along with a new puzzle and new characters involving them.

In order of completion, #1 I've fully finished; #2 I've finished all the coding and have only (only) to draw 700 some-odd brand new character animations; and #3 I've only just begun. I've unlocked the town shed door, and programmed it opening/closing and ego can walk through it to a crudely drawn white room.  #'s 2 and 3 will take me a very long time, because art is my weakest area of expertise (seconded only by music ;)). 

I've actually fully programmed #2 so that up to 3 or 4 different avatars are supported. I had to rearrange the number of several of the views, and in some cases split them up into ego and stationary. To test it, I duplicated each existing ego view and inverted the colours. It's slightly bizarre to watch this inverted-color aberration wander through a regular Spielberg.

I wasn't even planning on #2,3 originally --- I wanted to do #1 as a proof of concept (the result of which I'm very proud) and figured since I finished that, I'd try and learn view and pic editing/creating.

So let me explain a bit about #1.  I think we're all familiar with the major difference between the Sierra games and the LucasArt ones... Sierra games strongly encourage (require?) you to save early/save often, while LucasArts games generally have no dead-ends. I always liked the character deaths... they were humorous, and helped give the world and characters a sense of consequence -- however as a player (especially one well past his youth, with limited time in any given day to actually play games) I find it incredibly annoying and discouraging to be penalized for exploring the world and trying new things. I mean I think Corey Cole summed it up pretty good way back when he first gave QFG2VGA a go. As he described it, he got killed by an unexpected brigand inside the City of Shapier; Realizing he hadn't saved his game he didn't bother restarting or redoing the lost 30 minutes or more he put into the game, he just turned it off and never went back.

To use a QFG1 example, it's one thing to try drinking the Dragon's breath. You've (possibly) been warned about it by the Sherrif... it looks very ominous when the bartender pours it... arguably, that's sufficient forewarning that maybe you should save your game before drinking it; and if you didn't, oh well, that's on you.  But picking your nose, early in the game?  There's absolutely no reason (especially in the EGA version, when you're not clicking the lock pick on yourself) to think that telling the hero to go "pick his nose" will cause him to kill himself. It's not fair to require your player to save the game before every single action, and to penalize them if they don't.  But it is a funny message.

So, that was my personal challenge. Keep the humour of the deaths, but remove the penalty. Could it be done in the original engine... And of course, the answer is yes. I think I came up with a novel solution. I turned it from a penalty into an additional in-game challenge.  Now, not only can you instantly reverse any fatal mistakes you make, but the game keeps track of each death and will show you a list, stating how many times you died. It changes deaths (and thus exploration) from something to be avoided into something actively encouraged.  Can you beat the game scoring every single death?

Yeah, so that's how I've been spending some of my free time.  I'm really happy with the results.

Offline gumby

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #280 on: December 06, 2020, 09:22:02 AM »
I love this idea (#1) Charles.  Controversial sure, but improving the gameplay experience to remove the painful-points makes these classics more approachable for those who are new.  It doesn't detract so much from the game that it loses it's original character and charm.  Good luck, looking forward to the finished product.
In the Great Underground Empire (Zork port in development)
Winter Break 2012 Rope Prop Competition

Offline OmerMor

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #281 on: December 06, 2020, 12:20:53 PM »
I love this idea.. it's like an achievements mechanism. :)

However, what about dead-ends? I guess you'll have to restore, and lose any unsaved death achievements?
Are there any dead-ends in QfG1?

Offline Doan Sephim

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #282 on: December 06, 2020, 01:10:46 PM »
If you leave the dryad without taking the seed, you can't spawn it, which ends the game.

Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #283 on: December 06, 2020, 01:43:22 PM »
Brass Lantern Prop Competition

Offline Charles

Re: What are we working on?
« Reply #284 on: December 07, 2020, 12:04:03 AM »
However, what about dead-ends? I guess you'll have to restore, and lose any unsaved death achievements?
Are there any dead-ends in QfG1?

Yeah, the dead-ends are still a problem. I think they’re only related to the dispel potion though. If you don’t take the seed in the first place, or you waste your potion once it’s made. I think the best fix there is to not limit the times you can get the ingredients. Maybe with the Dryad (or whoever else) grumbling about the hero needing it again.

Speaking of achievements, there’s no reason one couldn’t also implement a Points List screen that lists off everything you’ve done to score points (or conversely, what’s left to score). Heck, I bet it could even be tied into the Gog or Steam Achievements API somehow. That’d be neat.

If there’s any interest, I might write a tutorial post on how to convert other existing games to use Retry/Restore/Quit. I coded it in such a way, it can be a drop-in replacement to the stock EgoDead function in Main. Then you can update each Restore/Restart/Quit one at a time without breaking any other part of the game.

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