I'm working on a new release of WinAGI. It's got a lot of improvements and bug fixes. Most of the big changes are done (I am still working on an improvement to line editing in the Picture Editor), so hopefully only a few more days of testing, then I'll build and release a beta.
I've decided I need to to something with all the old disk-based games I have - a bunch of Sierra titles, all the AD&D/SSI Goldbox games, a bunch of Microprose games, and others. Hopefully the disks haven't died yet. I was able to get a 5.25 drive USB adaptor, so with that attached to the last system I had with a built-in 3.5 drive, I should be able to capture all the disk images. Maybe this will inspire to play some of them again...
I need to learn C# as well. Once I'm done with WinAGI, I think I'll jump in and see how hard it is for an old dog to learn these fancy new tricks.
I am also trying to get more experience with java because I recently bought a Mazda, and I discovered on the user forums that it's pretty easy to write custom apps for the entertainment system - IF you know java. I wrote a speedometer/clock app, but haven't gotten enough courage to upload it to the car yet. This project's been back-burnered until WinAGI is done.