Here are new decompiles of the QFG2 demo and full game (1.105).
The demo plays to completion without any known issues.
The full game, however, is a different story. Script 2 causes the game to glitch up when restoring a save, and 702 (the alley index) freezes the game when entering the alleyways.
It's not possible to visit the Moneychanger without debug (decompilation error in alley 151?), and the prompt to input gold to exchange doesn't appear (this seems to be an issue with INTRFACE.SC)
On the plus side, I did manage to recreate a few disassembly blocks in script code, such as BlueFrogTP, script 810's chAlloc cue: method, and Talker's messages: method. Much of the defines in GAME.SH have been placed into enums, and more global variables have been identified.
And since it's a week away from Christmas, here's a new decompile of Seasoned Professional! It's been tested to compietion.
Now there are no disassembly blocks in this or the QFG2 demo. The reason some functions would not decompile is because they relied on scripts that the game doesn't have. With those scripts spliced in, those functions decompile as intended.
Time for me to move on to SQ4...