Author Topic: Decompilation Archive  (Read 93462 times)

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Offline EricOakford

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #30 on: June 18, 2019, 08:40:14 PM »
Here is the decompile for the SQ6 demo! It includes a specific interpreter (taken from the SCI tools here) which has an internal debugger and no version stamp check. The latter part is important, as the original interpreter will refuse to run if the RESOURCE file has been modified, saying that it has not been version-stamped.

The game has been tested to completion, and seems like a good basis for a possible SCI32 template.

All of the system scripts are based from the newest SCI32 source from 10-12-1995, with the exceptions of:
   ACTOR.SC (06-28-1995)
   TALKER.SC (decompiled original)
   MESSAGER.SC (decompiled original)
   PLANE.SC (decompiled original)
   DTEXT.SC (06-28-1995)
   STYLER.SC (06-28-1995)

The reasons:
   Plane causes the title bar to lose its custom font.
   Talker is incompatible with the game, causing a "Not an Object" error when someone talks.
   Messager is incompatible, as anyone talking just gives a small "ALT" character and no voice.
   Actor and Styler are incompatible with the game, causing a "Not an Object" error at startup.
   DText causes the ComPost text's lines to leak out of the ComPost screen.

With Actor, Styler, and DText, it was just a matter of using the earlier script revisions from June 1995, more closely matching the game's release.
On the other hand, Plane, Talker, and Messager appear to have been specially modified for SQ6's custom talker and messager, which, in turn, seem to be based on the ones for LSL6 hr-res (to the point that some views for LSL6 are hidden in the resource files!).

There's only one bug that I can find. Specifically, the game's icon bar stops working after closing the control panel. It seems to be a decompilation error in the icon bar's doit, which can't be decompiled and thus is in assembly. For this reason, I've intentionally prevented it from compiling until it can be fixed.
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Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2019, 02:29:05 PM »
Very nice!
Brass Lantern Prop Competition

Offline EricOakford

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #32 on: July 02, 2019, 10:14:36 PM »
Here are some deconmpiles of the demos for Conquests of Camelot, QFG1VGA, PQ2, and the Fun Seeker's Guide!

They all fully compile and have been tested to completion. The only issue I found was a graphical error in the PQ2 demo; specifically, at the motel scene.
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Offline OmerMor

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #33 on: July 03, 2019, 09:40:16 AM »
The only issue I found was a graphical error in the PQ2 demo; specifically, at the motel scene.

For a very long time the only available PQ2 demo was a corrupt copy.
In 2016 I managed to find a collector which had working copy, and now you can find it here:
« Last Edit: July 03, 2019, 09:44:14 AM by OmerMor »

Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #34 on: July 03, 2019, 11:49:35 AM »
Oh oh oh oh!
Brass Lantern Prop Competition

Offline EricOakford

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #35 on: July 03, 2019, 11:21:53 PM »
Regarding PQ2demo's graphical error: No, it's actually related to the SWAT team arriving at the motel. One cop erases part of the police car. I think it's related to a decompilation error in the "swatArrives" script.

In any case, here's more decompiles! They are of the demos for LSL2, The Colonel's Bequest, SQ3, and Astro Chicken. All have been tested to completion.
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Offline EricOakford

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #36 on: July 14, 2019, 01:20:46 PM »
Here's another one: the Gabriel Knight 1 demo. It seems to have been based off a beta version of the game, judging by the large amount of placeholder messages and the fact that it uses SCI1.1 rather than SCI2 like the full game does. Expect some bugs, but thankfully there are only two asm blocks (in proc211_0 and QScript). There's the needed script and interpreter to debug this thing.

I wonder why the demos for GK1, QFG4, and PQ4 used SCI1.1 instead of SCI2? My guess is that the 32-bit engine was not yet ready to be used, so the designers used the older 16-bit engine during development, then ported it to SCi2 when the full games were completed.
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Offline lskovlun

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #37 on: July 14, 2019, 02:09:17 PM »
I wonder why the demos for GK1, QFG4, and PQ4 used SCI1.1 instead of SCI2? My guess is that the 32-bit engine was not yet ready to be used, so the designers used the older 16-bit engine during development, then ported it to SCi2 when the full games were completed.
Well, things like the polygon editor do not work in SCI2. If you try, you're told to use SCI16 (i.e. SCI1.1), so they definitely had to use it for some things. And we all know how buggy QfG4 was on release (we are getting script patches for the QfG4 bugs in ScummVM, but the number of patches is crazy).

Offline Kawa

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #38 on: July 14, 2019, 05:47:38 PM »
To be fair, the PQ4 demo is merely a slideshow with some music and a short SEQ. You don't really need the full power of SCI2 for that. I find QFG4's RemapColors differences more interesting to be honest.

I have no excuse in mind for GK1.

Offline EricOakford

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2019, 08:26:22 PM »
Here's a new and improved decompile for QFG1EGA!

A major change here is that all of the system scripts and globals are based on the original SCI0 source, which is much more accurate. As a result, there should be no compatibility or decompiler issues on that side

The game generally seems to work okay, but the game crashes in certain areas (entering Meep's Peep, working at the stables, dispelling the bear), which seem to be related to decompilation errors.

Oh, yeah, there's also new decompiles for Seasoned Professional (EGA and VGA use exactly the same scripts) and the QFG2 demo. Both have been fully tested to completion.
7/31/2019 EDIT: Oops! I goofed up with the SCI01 decompiles, as I worked at adapting the original SCI0 header files for them, but uploaded incomplete versions. That has been fixed. Now they really have been tested to completion.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2019, 12:05:21 PM by EricOakford »
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Offline EricOakford

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #40 on: October 21, 2019, 08:26:05 PM »
Here are decompiles of the KQ4 demo and full game (version 1.006.004, interpreter 0.000.502)

The demo plays through without issue. Since it has no VOCAB.997, I had to use the one from the full game. The demo is pretty much just a stripped-down version of the full game anyway.

The full game starts up and plays normally... but there is a high risk of the game crashing with "Out of Heap space" errors, particularly when cleaning the dwarves' house.
Man, this game does not use memory efficiently! Of course, it is the first-ever SCI game, and the programmers were still used to AGI, so we can't blame them for that.

Next on my agenda is LSL2...
« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 08:32:22 PM by EricOakford »
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Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #41 on: October 22, 2019, 09:12:17 AM »
Know that your work is very much appreciated.
Brass Lantern Prop Competition

Offline EricOakford

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #42 on: October 27, 2019, 01:35:09 PM »
And now here are decompiles of the LSL2 demo and full game (version 1.002.000, interpreter 0.000.409)

The demo plays through to completion.

The full game starts up and plays normally. Unlike KQ4, LSL2 uses heap much more efficiently. There have been cases of views vanishing and other graphical glitches, which appear to be priority bugs. This should not affect gameplay.

Next up, PQ2!

I would have done the 1988 Christmas Card, but that game was never upgraded to the newer SCI0 format. SCICompanion does not properly support the older SCI0 format, so you get things like "BAD_SELECTOR" errors in decompiled scripts (this seems to be due to the two-bit selectors, whereas later SCI games used one-bit selectors). I already posted this issue here.
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Offline EricOakford

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #43 on: November 11, 2019, 08:39:35 PM »
And here are decompilations of PQ2, both the full game (1.002.011) and demo!

The demo plays through to completion.

In the full game, I've gotten up to the Cotton Cove, but haven't gotten farther than that. Other than a "Memory Fragmented" warning at the beginning, the game seems to play okay so far, and debugging has been enabled.

Next up is SQ3...
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Offline EricOakford

Re: Decompilation Archive
« Reply #44 on: November 15, 2019, 08:28:55 PM »
Here are decompiles of SQ3 -- full game (version 1.018, interpreter 0.000.685), demo, and Astro Chicken. There's also a decompile of Fun Seeker's Guide.

SQ3 plays through with no known issues... until you get to ScumSoft HQ. Attempting to get into Elmo's office crashes the game with an "Out of Heap space" error. The demo, Astro Chicken, and Fun Seeker's Guide have been fully tested.

I guess next up is LSL3!
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