I removed all of the most obvious unneeded methods and variables. There was quite a bit. There may be more that could be removed, but not much. I also added the required NSIS plugin for the NSIS installer for convenience.
Thanks, I have merged your PR.
It is nice to not have to muddle though the age questions for LSL, but I cannot remember if LSLAGI had a dirtiness setting. In SCI you can skip the age questions with a script, but it can drop the "dirtiness level" its lowest setting. If LSLAGI has no dirtiness level it does not matter, but if it does will this patch keep it at its highest level?
I don't recall it having a dirtiness level, but I do remember that the later games had it.
@vafada implemented the question skipping patch for LSL1, so he may know. Even now I have to look up the answers to those questions. I wouldn't have a clue in some cases. Perhaps the questions have dated a bit, and some seem American specific. Either way, it is definitely a nice feature to skip them

I haven't had a chance to see if the house buyer shows up in Gold Rush!. This was a bug with the most common cracked GR game.
Can you elaborate on the bug?
I have both the cracked and uncracked versions. I was going to start playing GR through to the end, which I guess means all three journey paths. Might take a while to get through this one.
One thing I did notice is that, before the question skipping patch was added to AGILE, the cracked version of GR showed a partly broken title screen, whereas after the patch, it now shows the correct looking title screen. Not sure why yet. I guess whatever broke it (probably where the crack is) has been skipped by the patch AGILE applies. I am half expecting there to be issues further down the track whilst playing GR, in relation to the patch, which may require further work. I'm guessing the house buyer bug that you mentioned might be one. It's been a long time since I played GR beyond a few screens, so can't recall it now.
I see it does not bypass the manual check questions of KQ4, but the 'marble' bypass still works with version 2.0, as well as the pirate Easter Egg.
Really? Is it definitely a clean copy? I've tried it with versions 2.0, 2.2 and 2.3 and the manual check skip patch works for all of them. What version of KQ4 does it show in the window title?