Thank you all for your help so far.
I did see this little thing called "rebuild Resources" in SCI Companion, What does this do exactly?
I thought about trying it out, but since I don't know what it does, I'm a bit anxious to try it.
And yes, Troflip, I do believe it may be an out of sync issue, trying to keep track of both resource files and keeping them preserved/backed-up is surprisingly tricky at times, almost makes me wish both resource.000/001 and could all just be merged into ONE file instead of two and/or more, file to keep in sync with each other.
The only .bak files I could find in my game folder were outdated by several months, and judging by the file sizes numbers for these .bak files and then comparing them to the current file sizes of the r.001 and, the .bak files have much less content.
Thanks for the link Gumby.
I had read in the post you made on "Recreate Map Files" in which you had given a link to the compiled version on, but the link there is now dead, clicking on that link will just lead to a 404 error on the SierraHelp site.