Another question for the SCI gurus, I'm using a switch state to move along an automated scene (perhaps there's a better way to do this, I'm all ears for sure).
Currently, I have the following set up within it.
(theMessenger posn: 155 160)
(= seconds 1)
(theMessenger setCycle: Walk setMotion: MoveTo 155 157)
(= cycles 1)
(theMessenger loop: 0 setMotion: MoveTo 205 143)
(= seconds 2)
(theMessenger loop: 1 cel: 0)
(= seconds 2)
This works okay, but I'd like to cut out the waiting periods between the states, if possible. Two issues I'm seeing with this:
- Setting cycles or seconds to 0 just seems to stop everything entirely, rather than skipping over the waiting period.
- If I set #4 to something low like 1 cycle, the loop updates even though the movement is still going on, I'm guessing because MoveTo waits for an ok call while loop doesn't.
So it works, but I have awkward halts between movements and am sure there must be a better way to do this then figuring out the animation cycles required to wait before travel is complete to change loops.
Is there some alternative to seconds and cycles that waits for the commands to fully be carried out in each state and all called methods to get the ok when necessary, then immediately moves on to the next state? Or is there another way to do this? Is a switch state not even the best option?
Also, while I'm asking, if I'm working an SCI0 parser, it looks like there's no Path Motion method; is the best way to make multiple MoveTo calls like above, or is there some other way to direct a multi-step path?
Thanks in advance! Trying to figure things out on my own the best I can, but occasionally getting caught up between the two different scripts, various versions of SCI, and limited documentation.[/list]