I've got another question for you fine folks here about instance priorities. Basically, I'm not sure how they work to layer instances in a desired manner.
For example, in one of my rooms, the player can open a dresser, which brings up an instance of the openDresser visually on the screen. No problem there. Now say the player moves or looks under the clothes. I switch to a new loop where the clothes are shifted to show the bottom of the drawer, and there's supposed to be a book sitting there. Functionally, in fact, there is! But visually, I cannot get the book to appear overtop the dresser instance. It's initialized but hidden by default; when the clothing is moved, I call show: on it, but no book.
If the drawer's closed and the openDresser instance isn't there, the book shows without issue if I call for it.
I know that instances have Priority properties, and I've imagined this should take control of the layering, but it doesn't seem to matter what I put here; whether the book is a higher priority that the openDresser or a lower, it's just not showing up.
I've seen some similar behavior in other rooms where a couple of instances are stacked on each other; it seems they just appear in some mix of the order they're initialized and displayed in.
Am I off in thinking the instance Priority can be used to direct instance placement relative to one another? Is this property only applicable to background/Pic priorities? Is there some other way to prioritizing instances to direct where they show relative to each other?
I know in the above instance I could just add another loop with the book, so it's not like there aren't workarounds, but I'd really like to know if my expectation is off or I'm bungling it up somehow, just so I get it. Thanks again in advance.