Ran into this again with another room and decided that I'm not just going to change every brass or woodwind instrument to a plucked instrument as a workaround since I'd eventually like to get past this anyway.
I tried loading up SCI Audio to play around; will it work despite being SCI Script when the rest of the game is Sierra script? I had some difficulty with it, but may just need to play with it more. I can try to convert it, but it's size still worries me a bit, even the second, smaller iteration. It also sounds like there should be some way to get these tracks to play back and end as expected within the newest SCICompanion. I'm sure there's got to me something.
I tried messing with some other drivers, as well, but what exactly needs to be done to work with these? ADL.drv just doesn't give me sound; I also copied SNDBLAST.drv from QFG2 and configured that, but receive a "patch.4335" error when I try to start the game. I'm not sure what that is at all, though it looks like others here have been able to play and experiment with different drivers.
I'm pretty much an idiot when it comes to this stuff, so any help or advice with driver swapping/testing would be excellent.
EDIT: Regarding the patch.4335 error, looks like that had to do with stealing the QFG2 driver; the one up on the wiki doesn't give that error. It doesn't work for me yet, either, but not-crashing is a good start, so I'll see what I can do from there.