Author Topic: WinAGI Version 1.2.3 Is Available!!!  (Read 14571 times)

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Offline Kawa

Re: WinAGI Version 1.2.3 Is Available!!!
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2019, 06:18:27 PM »
"May start"? I run Windows 7 and as a former VB Classic user I can confirm OCX already are problematic.

Online AGKorson

Re: WinAGI Version 1.2.3 Is Available!!!
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2019, 08:33:19 PM »
I isolated the relevant console output in Wine, though it's probably incomprehensible to you anyway. (I didn't see a way to insert it into the post without making it annoying, so I'll try as an attachment.)
According to your error log, it appears the problem lies in the WINE implementation of the riched20.dll library; on an assertion in the source code:
Code: [Select]
Assertion `~para->member.para.nFlags & MEPF_REWRAPSo it's not the OCX, it's the underlying WINE implementation of the dll.

I found a discussion thread on in which another app using riched20.dll has this same error in WINE. The thread suggests using a thing called 'Winetricks' as a way to use the actual Windows dll file instead of WINE's file. According to that post it solves the problem. Unfortunately, I don't have any idea how to make Winetricks work. I'm hoping you can figure that out!

I hope that helps. And I'm sorry that I don't know enough about Linux to be able to port my source so that WinAGI could run natively in it. It's a vastly superior IDE in any OS environment, but that means nothing if you can't run it.

Online AGKorson

Re: WinAGI Version 1.2.3 Is Available!!!
« Reply #17 on: July 19, 2019, 03:59:11 PM »
First off, when you run it you'll get an error about missing MSFLXGRD.OCX.

I figured out what happened with this missing OCX. My install package doesn't include it. But it does include a different grid control OCX that is actually not needed. I don't know how I missed that- it appears to be the case for the last several versions I've released. I never noticed it before because the correct file is already present on all systems that I've ever tested the app on. I wonder how many other people have had this error? Ugh.

I'm going to update the installer for v1.2.3 that's on the Wiki, and the next release will also have the correct file.

Offline obscurenforeign

Re: WinAGI Version 1.2.3 Is Available!!!
« Reply #18 on: July 19, 2019, 04:22:00 PM »
That did the trick!! I guess this proves after all that Wine's debugger actually is useful for Windows devs, provided that they care anyway. (And how can I even blame someone for not wanting to figure out why Wine's broken.)
On the subject of Winetricks, it's just an extra utility for Wine that you can install, and run it, mostly to install bits of Windows like that to make things work. Just choose what you want from an alphabetical list. (Funnily enough, it appears to acquire the dll by downloading Windows 2000 SP4 from some random FTP server, the Windows Installer installer from the HP website, and uses that to extract the DLL from the service pack...) Maybe I should make a tutorial how to do this. WinAGI works perfectly now! (It's funny actually, I've used Notepad++ in Wine too, but this problem never occurred to me. I think it's crashed on me before but I didn't think about why.)

For what you just wrote about MSFLXGRD.OCX, so this isn't part of Windows?

Collector, since WinAGI appears to work perfectly on Wine after tweaking, it looks like for this case at least, that this will hardly be a problem at all. That's the cool thing about Wine I tried to get at before, it preserves backwards compatibility this way, because Wine won't try to break things in future versions, and if they do you can always go back to an older one, there's ways to give a prefix its own binary I think. (Now distributions breaking Wine, on the other hand... cough Ubuntu)

Oh, and I've tried an older version of AT AGI Studio before, I found the editors a bit incomplete, and the template was full of bugs. Maybe this has all been fixed now, but with the old one I figured trying to use WinAGI was more worth it, even if I have to use a PC old enough to run the original games to do it.

Online AGKorson

Re: WinAGI Version 1.2.3 Is Available!!!
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2019, 10:46:26 PM »
I'm glad that worked for you. Now I know that Linux users at least have an option to run WinAGI.

Regarding MSFLXGRD.OCX, no it's not included in Windows (at least in Windows 10; I'm not 100% sure about earlier versions). But since I have VB6 loaded on all my machines, it was always there. At work we recently upgraded to Windows 10; when I installed WinAGI to test it, that's when I figured out what happened.

Now that you have WinAGI up and running, I'd love to hear any feedback you might have. I'm currently working on a minor update, fixing a few more bugs that I've found. So if you find anything that needs fixing, or anything you'd like added that's not too much work, I can work that in to the next release.

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