Thank you Collector; those links are very helpful. ECE was the search term I was missing when trying to find the munt version of DOSBox.
I'm not sure where Threep got the RESOURCE.CFG, but I can tell you it's like that in the steam Space Quest Collection. Just look at this mess:
videoDrv = MCGA320.DRV
joyDrv = NO
memoryDrv = ARM.DRV
CD = yes
mode = real
minHunk = 206K
directory = .\
MCGA320.DRV prevents screenshake from working which is a major bummer on Ortega. You can change it to EGA320.DRV, but how many steam users would know to do that?
I'm not sure about the GOG version of SQ3, but the GOG KQ4 is the same way with MCGA320.DRV and "CD = yes". In GOGs' defense, I think they assume people will use ScummVM, but how hard would it be for Steam and GOG to update this file?
Edit: Your SQ3 with MUNT installer worked great, once I changed my MT-32 roms to match these names (mine came with version numbers in the name and didn't work at first):
Is there much difference between those and CM32L_CONTROL.ROM/CM32L_PCM.ROM?