Author Topic: SCICompanion: Can't find an audio resource (opening theme) in GK1CD  (Read 3870 times)

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Offline ZvikaZ

I'm trying to see the GK1CD starting theme.
It's activated at - script #375, with this code:

Code: [Select]
((proc13_0 470) 370)
(else 370)
setLoop: -1
setVol: (gGkMusic1 musicVolume?)

In SCICompanion, under "Sounds" tab, #370 seems to be correct. However, Sound #5 is irrelevant - some short sound effect.
When run with ScummVM debugger, I see that it's indeed playing #5, which is digital, audio #5.

Returning to SCICompanion, under "Audio" tab, there is no #5 !

So, two questions:
1. By reading the code I've pasted above, from - is there a way to know that #5 is referring to audio and not to sound?
2. Where is this digitized opening theme audio #5 hiding? How can I see it in SCICompanion?


Offline Kawa

Re: SCICompanion: Can't find an audio resource (opening theme) in GK1CD
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2020, 04:56:08 PM »
It's in the SFX directory as a plain ol' WAV file.

Offline ZvikaZ

Re: SCICompanion: Can't find an audio resource (opening theme) in GK1CD
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2020, 05:58:59 AM »
Well, that was unexpected..

Is SCICompanion still developed?
Maybe it can reference these SFX/*.wav files from one if its tabs.

Offline OmerMor

Re: SCICompanion: Can't find an audio resource (opening theme) in GK1CD
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2020, 11:53:46 AM »
Is SCICompanion still developed?
Maybe it can reference these SFX/*.wav files from one if its tabs.

SCICompanion is no longer developed. You can open a new issue for the project over github, but I wouldn't expect a fix:
There's a fork by Kawa which got some love - maybe he'll be willing to implement it. The fork is here:

On an unrelated note: thanks for your latest SCI contributions to ScummVM, ZvikaZ!

Offline Kawa

Re: SCICompanion: Can't find an audio resource (opening theme) in GK1CD
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2020, 04:13:00 AM »
Oh, that's a hard "unlikely" from me, friend. The very idea of such a change gives me chills.

Offline ZvikaZ

Re: SCICompanion: Can't find an audio resource (opening theme) in GK1CD
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2020, 11:37:21 AM »
@OmerMor, thanks...
@Kawa, no problem, just a suggestion. I think it'll improve usability, but of course, do you as you wish.

What's the status of Kawa's fork?
Is it preferred to the "regular" SCICompanion?
(Can someone give few examples of improvements?)

Offline Kawa

Re: SCICompanion: Can't find an audio resource (opening theme) in GK1CD
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2020, 01:31:11 PM »
(Can someone give few examples of improvements?)
It copies a few things from Phil's own unreleased work, from bugfixes to certain extra features, and then adds some of my own. To quote the readme:
  • "Shrinkwrap cel" command
  • Effectively remove the SCI Studio dialect as an option, as a discouragement.
  • &exists, as in (if (&exists theX) ...) instead of (if (>= argc 1) ...).
  • foreach, as in (foreach val array ...) or (foreach val collection ...) where the collection is anything using the Node kernel and has an elements property.
  • verbs, see below.
  • No nagging when you paste something with the transparency color in it.
  • Better massaging of the Display kernel call in decompilation.
  • &getpoly, so instead of the SCI Companion template game's way to load polygons you can easily get bytecode more like Sierra's, without sacrificing easy editings. See below!
  • Support for a pair of opcodes that replace the Memory peek/poke kernel call. Phil came up with it for his own games, and I stole it for SCI11+.

Unlisted in the readme:
  • Control-click to sample colors in the image editors, instead of constantly swapping.
  • Warning during compilation if an instance seems unused.
  • Built-in true and false keywords instead of defining them in a header.

Verbs and getpoly example:
Code: [Select]
(instance aPuddle of cdFeature
doNotFace true

(method (init)
(super init:)
(self setOnMeCheck: omcPOLYGON (&getpoly "Puddle"))
; (&getpoly "") would be the default one, as in (gRoom addObstacle: (&getpoly "")).

(gMessager say: N_PUDDLE V_LOOK (if (Btest fDayOnePuddleChecked) C_CHECKEDPUDDLE else 0) 1 0 scriptNumber)
(Bset fDayOneHinted)
(if (Btest fDayOnePuddleChecked)
(gMessager say: N_PUDDLE V_LOOK C_CHECKEDPUDDLE 1 0 scriptNumber)
(Bset fDayOnePuddleChecked)
(gRoom setScript: InspectPuddleScript)

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