Author Topic: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)  (Read 29577 times)

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Offline richruss691

Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« on: April 06, 2020, 06:27:13 PM »
I am trying to add back into QFG1 VGA the troll's cave that they removed when they did the vga remake. I am still in the very early stages. I have art made and i have the room added and the pile of stuff placed. I can enter and leave the room with no problem. That's as far as i have gotten.

Right now the problem i am running into is with messages. When add a message other than the default look/do messages to either the room or the pile of stuff it doesn't work right. I've tinkered around a bit, sometimes it might show the look message for one but not the other. Sometimes it will only show the default messages. Sometimes weird glitches show up. The do messages are always only the default.

Anybody have any thoughts? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Offline Charles

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2020, 02:28:26 PM »
That sounds like an awesome project.  I love the idea of fan-added content to the Sierra games.

I'm afraid I don't really have enough experience with the SCI1 games to help though.  But a couple questions come to mind, that might help others troubleshoot you:

Did you decompile QFG1VGA yourself, or download it from the Decompilation Archive?
Sometimes scripts won't decompile properly, and when you recompile them it could cause the weird glitches you're seeing.

Make sure you go to Tools-->Rebuild Resources, then delete all the external patch files (all the ###.hep, .src, .v56, etc -- if the game finds those, they'll overwrite any scripts embedded in resource.000, which may be your newly created ones)

What version of SCICompanion are you using?

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2020, 10:07:00 PM »
Thank you for your reply.

This is a project that I've been working on for a while, I'm trying to make the vga version more like the ega version. I started with a bunch of graphical mods and have just recently started script editing.

I decompiled the scripts myself but the two rooms I've changed so far have recompiled with no errors and so far seem to run the way they should, although more testing should be done.

One of the first things i did, before decompiling, was rebuild the resources then delete all the patches from the directory.

I started with version and after i started having the problem i switched to version which, as far as i could find, is the newest.

Offline OmerMor

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2020, 02:36:44 PM »
This is a cool project! I hope you manage to accomplish it.

In 2015 I had a similar idea of expanding the ending scene in QFG1VGA to match the one in QFG1EGA:
Most of the artwork assets are already there so it should not be too hard.

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2020, 01:58:19 AM »
Thanks, i hope i can finish it too!

I had forgotten just how different the two versions of the ending are. been too long since i've played the ega, i guess. lol. that is definitely something to add to the end of my list. thanks!

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2020, 11:34:30 AM »
Just a small update on solving the problem with the messages in my new room.

they still don't work but i'm narrowing down the cause. in the messages section of the explorer, the messages for the new room have a status error:

Resource load failed

so that it clearly why the messages don't display. unfortunately i have no idea what could be causing that and i don't know how it could be related to the weird stuff i was seeing before.

if anyone has any ideas why the message resource might fail to load, i'd really like to hear them!


Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2020, 11:11:35 PM »
I have made some progress, sort of. I decided to start over using the scripts from the Decompilation Archive as mentioned by Charles. Thank you Charles.
I have not put in the enter or exit code for the new room because i know it works and i wanted to focus on the message problem.

so, here's what i'm looking at now: i can get the messages to display now but every other message on the list is ignored, so to get all the messages to display i have to double them up or use place holder messages that don't get used. its not ideal but at least i feel like i can move forward. Any ideas as to the cause or how to fix it would be appreciated.

And i almost forgot, a big thank you to EricOakford for posting that decompile. it looks like they did an enormous amout of work changing the variable names, etc. to names that make some kind of sense.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2020, 09:58:03 AM by richruss691 »

Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2020, 06:23:42 PM »
I saw this before but never wished you luck. I love community made "mods" for Sierra games and the whole concept. This is a slightly less ambitious project than my own "Space Quest 1 VGA Retro" and "King's Quest 5 - No Dead Ends" 'MODs'. And yes, the decompilation archives are a gold mine! Following this!
Brass Lantern Prop Competition

Offline Charles

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2020, 08:45:07 PM »
I don’t think Eric has gotten enough praise for his work on the decimpilation archive. I’ve lost count of how many demos and full games he’s decompiled into functional source code.
And the templates for brand new games in just about every significant flavor of SCI.

Is that KQV No Dead-Ends mod yours? Do you have a page for it? That’s an ambitious project. The only thing good about that game (IMO) is the atmosphere. I think that’s the only reason the game is ever remembered fondly by anybody (myself included), because the voice acting is amateurish, and the puzzles are frustratingly illogical. Best of luck to you, if you’re trying to polish that one.

Offline Collector

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2020, 08:52:38 PM »
Could start adding pages to the Wiki for such projects.
KQII Remake Pic

Offline EricOakford

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2020, 11:00:14 PM »
Thanks for the compliments. I really need to get back to that SQ1SCI decompile. After that is done, I'll go back and go over the QFG decompiles again.
My SCI templates
SCI0 SCI0.1 SCI1.0 SCI1.1
SCI2.1 planned

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2020, 09:37:54 PM »
I appreciate the support, thanks. the project is making progress, though slower than i'd like. I've got massages for the walls and the pile of stuff and i've got the code to dig through the pile and add the loot to the inventory but now i'm running into another problem.

when you dig through the pile, it's set to display a message "you dig through pile, etc." then it checks to see if you've done it before. if you haven't, it puts the loot in your inventory, sets a flag, and displays a message "you got such and such loot." if you've already collected the loot it give the message "nothing more of value."

all of this works except that the first message " did through pile" pops up and immediately moves on to the next message, which ever it ends up being. i want it to wait for user input, i.e. a mouse click or enter key, what ever, before moving to the next message. anybody know how to make it do that? i'll post some code bellow.

(instance theLoot of Prop
      view 118
      x 138
      y 160
      signal ignAct
      loop 0
      cel 0
      noun N_LOOT
      priority 09

   (method (doVerb theVerb)
      (switch theVerb
            (messager say: N_LOOT V_DO 0 1 self)
            (if (Btst tookLoot)
               (messager say: N_LOOT V_DO 0 5 self)
                (ego setScript: robLoot)
            (if (< LootLooked 1)
               (messager say: N_LOOT V_LOOK 0 1 self)
               (++ LootLooked)
               (messager say: N_LOOT V_LOOK 0 3 self)
               (= LootLooked 0)
            (super doVerb: theVerb &rest)

(instance robLoot of Script
   (method (changeState newState)
      (switch (= state newState)
            (messager say: N_LOOT V_DO 0 3 self)
            (ego get: iSilver 30)
            (ego get: iGold 5)
            (Bset tookLoot)

edit: I tried a (Wait 600) command which should make it wait 10 seconds but it gave a really inconsistent duration, anywhere from 2 seconds to 14 seconds. is there a way to make it wait for a mouse click/keyboard event instead of the timer? i tried dropping in evMOUSEKEYBOARD but it did nothing.

edit: I got it working. my code was not well structured. i tightened it up, now it works. lol
« Last Edit: April 14, 2020, 02:23:48 PM by richruss691 »

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2020, 03:38:52 PM »
Now that that's sorted out, I guess its time to move on to the intimidating part. Time to add the Troll stuff!

Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2020, 05:42:53 PM »
Is that KQV No Dead-Ends mod yours? Do you have a page for it? That’s an ambitious project. The only thing good about that game (IMO) is the atmosphere. I think that’s the only reason the game is ever remembered fondly by anybody (myself included), because the voice acting is amateurish, and the puzzles are frustratingly illogical. Best of luck to you, if you’re trying to polish that one.

No page for it yet, no. I was trying to get some substantial work done on it and get it to a semi-release stage. I've removed a lot of dead ends already. For instance, the staff never breaks to open the temple door until you have both the gold coin and the genie lamp (but you can still die by being stuck inside for taking so long). The cat will always chase the rat even if you don't save it in time (much like the NES version actually). I was making 3 separate patches for the floppy versions (EGA and VGA) and CD version. Acceptable results most of the time! Just gotta get back to it.

Sorry, don't want to derail the topic. I think I had another thread dedicated to it elsewhere on the forum though.
Brass Lantern Prop Competition

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2020, 11:39:29 PM »
These messages are becoming the bane of this project! I've been having trouble with displaying messages but I thought I'd figured out a way to work around the problem. If i made every other message blank and never tried to access those empty messages, things seemed to be working fine. Unfortunately, today i decided to display one of the look messages upon entering the room. It seems to display that message fine but when i try to look around the room with the cursor, some of the messages display correctly but some display wrong. The ones that are wrong show a seemingly arbitrary talker and a gibberish message, or sometimes they might error out saying no such message exists.

I really hope someone can offer some advice on this. Its getting pretty frustrating and i don't think i can continue the project if i can't reliably display messages.

any help is appreciated,

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