I appreciate the support, thanks. the project is making progress, though slower than i'd like. I've got massages for the walls and the pile of stuff and i've got the code to dig through the pile and add the loot to the inventory but now i'm running into another problem.
when you dig through the pile, it's set to display a message "you dig through pile, etc." then it checks to see if you've done it before. if you haven't, it puts the loot in your inventory, sets a flag, and displays a message "you got such and such loot." if you've already collected the loot it give the message "nothing more of value."
all of this works except that the first message " did through pile" pops up and immediately moves on to the next message, which ever it ends up being. i want it to wait for user input, i.e. a mouse click or enter key, what ever, before moving to the next message. anybody know how to make it do that? i'll post some code bellow.
(instance theLoot of Prop
view 118
x 138
y 160
signal ignAct
loop 0
cel 0
noun N_LOOT
priority 09
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(switch theVerb
(messager say: N_LOOT V_DO 0 1 self)
(if (Btst tookLoot)
(messager say: N_LOOT V_DO 0 5 self)
(ego setScript: robLoot)
(if (< LootLooked 1)
(messager say: N_LOOT V_LOOK 0 1 self)
(++ LootLooked)
(messager say: N_LOOT V_LOOK 0 3 self)
(= LootLooked 0)
(super doVerb: theVerb &rest)
(instance robLoot of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(messager say: N_LOOT V_DO 0 3 self)
(ego get: iSilver 30)
(ego get: iGold 5)
(Bset tookLoot)
edit: I tried a (Wait 600) command which should make it wait 10 seconds but it gave a really inconsistent duration, anywhere from 2 seconds to 14 seconds. is there a way to make it wait for a mouse click/keyboard event instead of the timer? i tried dropping in evMOUSEKEYBOARD but it did nothing.
edit: I got it working. my code was not well structured. i tightened it up, now it works. lol