Author Topic: Sierra Script Conversion Issues  (Read 2999 times)

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Offline Doan Sephim

Sierra Script Conversion Issues
« on: June 29, 2020, 08:27:57 AM »
A while ago I migrated my Betrayed Alliance 2 project from ye old Studio Script to the Shiny New Sierra Script. It took me a while to go through all the error messages, but it got done and everything compiled nicely!

But, I went to make a quick change to my Main Script, and when I compiled, I got A TON of errors! I've changed all the "TRUE's" to "true" and "FALSE's" to false, but there are a number of issues I don't understand. So my first question is, was there an Sierra Script update memo I missed and my other question is, HELP!?!

  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'rsFONT' .  Line: 332, col: 8
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'rsCURSOR' .  Line: 334, col: 8
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'rsCURSOR' .  Line: 335, col: 8
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'rsCURSOR' .  Line: 336, col: 8
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'SET_CURSOR_VISIBLE' .  Line: 338, col: 35
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'SET_CURSOR_VISIBLE' .  Line: 341, col: 29
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'gtTIME_OF_DAY' .  Line: 390, col: 29
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'rsFONT' .  Line: 424, col: 8
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'rsFONT' .  Line: 425, col: 8
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'rsCURSOR' .  Line: 427, col: 8
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'rsCURSOR' .  Line: 428, col: 8
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'rsCURSOR' .  Line: 429, col: 8
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'NULL' .  Line: 440, col: 3
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'FALSE' .  Line: 455, col: 35
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'evKEYBOARD' .  Line: 480, col: 10
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'miFREEHEAP' .  Line: 498, col: 18
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'miLARGESTPTR' .  Line: 499, col: 18
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'miFREEHUNK' .  Line: 500, col: 22
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'miLARGESTHUNK' .  Line: 501, col: 18
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'evSAID' .  Line: 509, col: 25
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'grGET_COLOURS' .  Line: 762, col: 16
Compiling failed.
30 errors, 8 warnings.

Artificial Intelligence Competition

Offline Kawa

Re: Sierra Script Conversion Issues
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2020, 09:33:14 AM »
For whatever reason, does not have the line (include in it, or it is including a version of that for whatever reason is missing all these define statements.

Offline Doan Sephim

Re: Sierra Script Conversion Issues
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2020, 10:00:29 AM »
I just re-installed SCI Companion and everything seems to be running properly again. I changed computers recently and something goofy must've happened. Thanks for the help Kawa. I'm not getting any errors any more.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2020, 10:08:26 AM by Doan Sephim »
Artificial Intelligence Competition

Offline Kawa

Re: Sierra Script Conversion Issues
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2020, 10:43:01 AM »
Smells like the latter possibility, then 🤔

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