Author Topic: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)  (Read 29590 times)

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Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #45 on: June 05, 2020, 02:43:05 PM »
Thanks! I appreciate your interest and encouragement.

Do you know of anything else that was removed from the vga version? Any other significant changes? or a site that lists the differences?

Offline OmerMor

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #46 on: June 06, 2020, 02:45:39 PM »
Well, the "razzle dazzle root beer" debug menu is only present in the EGA version. Since there is no parser, you can think of some other mouse-based mechanism to access a debug menu.
I can't think of any other missing content. I didn't even know about the troll's cave until you came here.  ::)

Regarding the ending scene - you can borrow missing graphic assets from AGDI's QFG2VGA fan remake. You could either try some AGS resource extractor s(I have never tried to do so, but I guess it's doable), or try to contact the developers and ask for it.

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #47 on: June 06, 2020, 03:41:21 PM »
Thanks, those are both good suggestions that I'm already considering. I've already got some placeholder assets that I pulled from QfG1 EGA. After some quick modifications, they look pretty good and I might end up keeping some of them. What do you think would be better for that last part, a dragon like the original EGA release or the genie from QfG2 VGA?

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #48 on: June 06, 2020, 04:03:20 PM »
I've got the fly over sequence put together save for music. Also I might end up changing how I did the credits. They don't advance automatically, you have to click past each one, and the animation stops for it. I'd like it to just play through automatically like the EGA version but I didn't want to spend to much time on it right now. what I've got is adequate for now.

I've started working on the part with the dragon/QfG II teaser. I created place holder assets from the EGA assets and pulled the script directly from the EGA as well. I changed the script just enough to get it to compile. Unfortunately, as soon as it gets to the dragon script the game errors out with "65535.v56 not found". It does this even before it updates the pic. The script looks pretty straight forward to me, nothing stands out as out of place. I'll post some code below. If anyone has thoughts that could point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.

Code: [Select]

(instance bigCarpet of Actor

(instance ii of Prop ; View
y 143
x 236
view 920
cel 3

(instance trial of Prop
y 170
x 155
view 925
loop 1

(instance quest of Prop
y 55
x 183
view 920

(instance forProp of Prop
y 92
x 163
view 920
cel 1

(instance glory of Prop
y 97
x 247
view 920
cel 2

(instance claw1 of Prop
y 92
x 51
view 916
priority 3

(instance claw2 of Prop
y 87
x 127
view 916
loop 1
cel 1
priority 3

(instance head of Prop
y 49
x 87
view 916
loop 2

(instance flame of Actor
view 917

(instance dragScript of Script

; (method (doit)                                              I commented this stuff out because it looked like it deals with playing the music.
; (switch (gContMusic prevSignal?)         I'm not ready to deal with that stuff yet
; (60 (= local0 1))
; (70 (= local0 3))
; (80 (= local0 7))
; (90 (= local0 8))
; )
; (if (not (gContMusic loop?)) (= local0 13))
; (if (and (> local0 state) (or seconds cycles))
; (= seconds (= cycles 0))
; (self cue:)
; else
; (super doit:)
; )
; )

(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(= local0 0)
(curRoom drawPic: 906)
view: 925
setLoop: 0
posn: -10 100
setStep: 3 3
moveSpeed: 0
cycleSpeed: 1
setCycle: Forward
setMotion: MoveTo 340 92
(= seconds 10)
(claw1 cel: 0 init: cycleSpeed: 2 setCycle: EndLoop self)
(ShakeScreen 3)
(= seconds 10)
(claw1 stopUpd: addToPic:)
(claw2 cel: 0 init: cycleSpeed: 2 setCycle: EndLoop)
(= cycles theCycles)
(claw2 stopUpd: addToPic:)
(ShakeScreen 3)
setLoop: 2
cel: 0
setPri: 6
posn: 83 68
cycleSpeed: (if (== howFast 0) 0 else 2)
setCycle: EndLoop self
setLoop: 3
cel: 0
posn: 87 49
setCycle: CycleTo 4 1
(= seconds 10)
(quest init: addToPic:)
(forProp init: addToPic:)
(glory init: addToPic:)
(= seconds 20)
(ii init: addToPic:)
(= seconds 10)
(8 (head setCycle: CycleTo 5 1 self))
posn: 85 76
setLoop: 0
setCel: -1
cel: 0
setPri: 8
illegalBits: 0
xStep: 3
yStep: 6
setMotion: MoveTo 196 228
setCycle: EndLoop self
(trial init: cycleSpeed: 0 setCycle: EndLoop self)
setLoop: 1
cel: 0
cycleSpeed: (if (== howFast 0) 0 else 1)
setMotion: MoveTo 196 228
setCycle: Forward self ;
(head setCycle: EndLoop)
(trial setLoop: 2 setCycle: Forward)
(self cue:)
(12 (= seconds 50))
(13 (NextScript))

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #49 on: June 06, 2020, 07:06:15 PM »
alright! solved that problem! apparently it didn't like bigCarpet being initialized with no properties and assigning them later. I gave it a view and position at initialization and now it works. animation for the sequence is kinda wonky but I imagine that will just take some tweeking.

Offline OmerMor

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #50 on: June 07, 2020, 08:39:11 AM »
What do you think would be better for that last part, a dragon like the original EGA release or the genie from QfG2 VGA?

I'd say the genie would be more appropriate, but it's all good...  :)

Offline Collector

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #51 on: June 07, 2020, 12:05:01 PM »
Any reason that you disabled embedding?
KQII Remake Pic

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #52 on: June 07, 2020, 02:31:20 PM »
embedding for what?

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #53 on: June 07, 2020, 03:00:49 PM »
do you mean for the video? no, no reason for disabling embedding. I just enabled it.

Offline Collector

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #54 on: June 08, 2020, 10:58:57 AM »
Just curious.
KQII Remake Pic

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #55 on: June 08, 2020, 12:13:54 PM »
I am so close to having the end credit sequence finished except for sound! Unfortunately I am having some trouble with the dragon animation. The dragon turns invisible at two points during the animation. When it switches from the first loop of animation to the second, the first cel of the second loop is invisible. It runs 4 cels then pauses. When it pauses, that 4th cel is invisible. When it starts the animation again the rest of the cels are visible. It even pauses one more time and that cel remains visible. If anyone has any thoughts on what could cause this, I'd really like to hear.

I really appreciate all the help I've gotten so far.


Offline gumby

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #56 on: June 09, 2020, 09:38:16 PM »
Palette or transparency issues maybe?
In the Great Underground Empire (Zork port in development)
Winter Break 2012 Rope Prop Competition

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #57 on: June 09, 2020, 10:53:38 PM »
transparency problem was my first thought but every frame shows up normally in sci companion, like if I cycle through them in the pic viewer. I don't see anything unusual in the code and nothing that appears to effect only a few frames. Do you have anything specifically I should look out for? Would you like to see the code?

Offline gumby

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #58 on: June 10, 2020, 09:20:26 AM »
My suggestion would be to import the resource into a completely new game and see if the issue is reproducible?
In the Great Underground Empire (Zork port in development)
Winter Break 2012 Rope Prop Competition

Offline richruss691

Re: Adding a room to Quest for Glory 1 (VGA)
« Reply #59 on: June 12, 2020, 12:27:45 PM »
excellent suggestion Gumby. I did that and it animates perfectly. Sorry it took so long for me to get to it. I just got fired, I've been distracted. I noticed something different between QfG1 and the template game, I wonder if it might play a part. The pallet for QfG1 reserves 72 plus white colors for views but the template game I used only reserves 64 colors. Could this difference be contributing?

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