I bring tidings!I found out why script zero in Phantasmagoria was auto-named
ScaryRoom.sc instead of Main.sc. That was my bad,
messing up the logic when I added a disabled feature.
I also added a massager (not messager) to force
ScriptID calls
to not negate on values above 32767. In other words,
(ScriptID 64032 0) will no longer decompile as
(ScriptID -1532 0).
The bad news is that the above fix would not do anything for the thing that set this off, that Phantasmagoria doesn't have the decompiler name
global91 anything like
gOMessager or whatever. That's specifically
because it uses a
ScriptID call there. For comparison, if it was an object in the same script, like
scaryMessager, it would (and does) decompile as
(= gScaryMessager scaryMessager). Also compare with the line
(= global27 {x.yyy.zzz}). The decompiler can't tell that's
But at least ScriptID calls above 32767 make more sense now.http://helmet.kafuka.org/sci/SCICompanion.exe