Hi Everybody.
Long time lurker, first time poster here.
I was just wondering if anybody have tried to make anything out of the VGA Parser Template by OmerMor:
http://sciprogramming.com/community/index.php?topic=1798.msg12010#msg12010or perhaps this one from Troflip:
http://sciprogramming.com/community/index.php?topic=1553.msg8336#msg8336I have done some attempts out of making something out of these, but I always run into problems with saving and restoring.
Saving: Seems to be fine until the Dialog should close, but it just stays displayed on the screen, still you can move the ego around, but any attempt to use the parser or access the menu bar freezes the game.
Restore: The dialog opens, then the game freeze without listing any saved games.
The two mentioned templates over are quite old and still have some ASM the Save/SrDialog source. I have merged this with the latest SCI01 template by EricOakford, where save.sc seems to be original Sierra code, of course with no ASM. Every version has the same problem.
Does anybody have any idea what causes this problem and perhaps even how to fix it? I have tried to search this forum, but have not found any information.
Personally, I think there is something wrong with this Interpreter SCIV.exe, making it extremely hard to fix, but maybe there exists an easier solution by fixing the template source?
I have attached the merge of OmerMors Template and the latest SCI01 Template, in case this is useful for anyone.
Thanks in advance for any help.