Author Topic: Script file: exports object - where does it point to?  (Read 1573 times)

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Offline ZvikaZ

Script file: exports object - where does it point to?
« on: January 24, 2022, 09:57:42 AM »
I'm trying to understand the scripts' format (with the help of, and I don't understand the exports segment.

Let's take SQ1VGA, script 103.
ScummVM's debugger ("dissect_script 103"), says that its exports segment is:
Code: [Select]
Obj type #7, size 0xa: Exports
000004: 01 00 22 03  00 00                                   |.."...          |
According to the Wiki, it means that there is one exported function, at address 0x322.
But 0x322 is the middle of the Object 'rm103'. I expected it be something in a code block.

What's going on?

Offline troflip

Re: Script file: exports object - where does it point to?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2022, 04:56:50 PM »
The export table points to objects and code. For a script that is a room, the first entry in the export table should point to the room object.
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