Author Topic: Recommend IDE to open KQ4 (Apple 2gs) sounds, and logic 54  (Read 2787 times)

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Offline ZvikaZ

Recommend IDE to open KQ4 (Apple 2gs) sounds, and logic 54
« on: October 06, 2020, 01:21:01 PM »
Is there a "recommended IDE" for AGI (like SCICompanion for SCI)?

Specifically, I want to open KQ4, Apple 2gs version (trying to understand the problem at
I have tried some IDEs (honestly, don't remember which, it was a long time ago), and all failed to open logic 54.
Just tried now AGI Studio, and upon opening logic 54 it says:
Code: [Select]
Error decoding logic (position 0x0E4E): Unknown action command (175)
Is there something special with opcode 175?
Something 2gs specific? KQ4?
Some other complication?

Anyway, I've just found that with latest WinAGI  ( it opens logic 54 with no problem.
That's great news.

However, when I tried to open any sound resource, it gave an error:
Code: [Select]
Error while loading sound resource

598: Invalid sound data: unable to load sound resource

Is it because of something special with 2gs? or KQ4? or something else?

Any recommendation, suggestion or fixes are welcomed.


Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: Recommend IDE to open KQ4 (Apple 2gs) sounds, and logic 54
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2020, 05:20:10 PM »
5) Yeah, 2gs sound is completely different from standard AGI sound resources. They can contain digital sounds for one. I know of no way to preview 2gs AGI sounds other than within the games themselves.
Brass Lantern Prop Competition

Offline AGKorson

Re: Recommend IDE to open KQ4 (Apple 2gs) sounds, and logic 54
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2020, 11:00:00 AM »
WinAGI has VERY limited support for non-MSDOS versions of AGI games. Right now, I think the only thing I added that specifically supports non-MSDOS is the ability to detect and read Amiga OBJECT files (they use four bytes per object entry instead of the 3 that MSDOS games use).

I don't have any non-MSDOS game files, so I am not able to study them to understand their structure/usage. If you have some game files that you are willing to share, I'd be happy to analyze them to see whether or not I can add support for them to WinAGI.

Offline AGKorson

Re: Recommend IDE to open KQ4 (Apple 2gs) sounds, and logic 54
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2020, 11:15:35 AM »
Is there a "recommended IDE" for AGI (like SCICompanion for SCI)?
I may be a bit biased, but I'd say "WinAGI, hands down!"  ;D

Specifically, I want to open KQ4, Apple 2gs version (trying to understand the problem at
I have tried some IDEs (honestly, don't remember which, it was a long time ago), and all failed to open logic 54.
Just tried now AGI Studio, and upon opening logic 54 it says:
Code: [Select]
Error decoding logic (position 0x0E4E): Unknown action command (175)
Is there something special with opcode 175?
Something 2gs specific? KQ4?
Some other complication?
Opcode 175 is the discard.sound command. It was added beginning in version 2.938, but only functions in non-MSDOS games. The MSDOS interpreters all have a stub function in place that was intended to ignore the command, but that stub function does not accept arguments. If you try to run that command on a MSDOS interpreter your game will crash, because the argument value passed to discard.sound gets treated by the interpreter as the next opcode instead of the sound you want to discard.

Anyway, I've just found that with latest WinAGI  ( it opens logic 54 with no problem.
That's great news.

However, when I tried to open any sound resource, it gave an error:
Code: [Select]
Error while loading sound resource

598: Invalid sound data: unable to load sound resource

Is it because of something special with 2gs? or KQ4? or something else?

Any recommendation, suggestion or fixes are welcomed.

MusicallyInspired is correct. Since the sounds aren't in the MSDOS format, WinAGI is currently not able to read or play them. I never had access to non-MSDOS versions of any Sierra games, so I haven't been able to decipher them to see how/if support for them could be added to WinAGI.

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