Author Topic: New version of WinAGI - Looking for a couple testers before release  (Read 2326 times)

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Offline AGKorson

I have a new version of WinAGI mostly ready for release. But I would like some fresh eyes on it before I call it good.

Here's a list of the biggest changes/upgrades:
  • LISTBOX option to display resources (in addition to the original treelist option)
  • DIR files expand/contract as resources are added/removed (instead of staying expanded to full size)
  • application size/position saved correctly on systems with more than one monitor
  • NAVIGATION BUTTONS to allow user to step backward and forward through selected resources in the resource list; right-click/hold to scroll through the list
  • all agi commands are now highlighted as 'keyword' type in logics when using syntax highlighting
  • MANY fixes to the rich text box used in logic editor, so it does a better job of handling selections/edits/highlights
  • right-click on a resource ID in a source file, and you now have the option to open it from within the logic editor
  • SNIPPETS! you can use shortcut codes to insert 'snippets' (code fragments) of frequently used code
  • you can right-click on a word in a 'said' command to show a list of all synonyms of the selected word
  • transparency color of a cel is now shown on palette on view editor (ctrl+click to change transparency color)
  • added comment column to the global editor so you can add comments to each defined term
  • searching for vocab words in logics now has option to include search for all synonyms
  • added setting that syncs the resource list to the layout editor; selecting a resource in the list will automatically scroll the layout view so the selected room is centered in the window
  • hold down shift key with left mouse to drag the entire layout drawing surface
  • Find/Replace supports multi-line values
  • ... plus a TON of other minor enhancements, and countless bug fixes

I would like to have the new version ready for release in the next two weeks. So if you are interested in helping with one last good look to make sure there are no glaring issues, please PM me, and I'll send you a link to the install file.

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