Author Topic: Russian translation / AGDS tool?  (Read 4482 times)

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Offline ZvikaZ

Russian translation / AGDS tool?
« on: February 17, 2021, 03:27:12 AM »
I've seen references to the Russian made AGDS tool, and to AGI games translated to Russian.
Does anyone have the tool, or any of the translations?
(or maybe played one of these games, and can answer me if they accepted commands in English, or in Russian?)

Offline OmerMor

Offline OmerMor

Re: Russian translation / AGDS tool?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2021, 03:50:02 AM »
Also - take a look at this thread:
The tools I shared there might help you.

Offline Daventry

Re: Russian translation / AGDS tool?
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2021, 12:33:31 AM »
2 ZvikaZ
I have all the Russian translations of agi games. Between 90 and 95 years, the following games were translated: King's Quest II, King's Quest III, Space Quest, Space Quest II, Police Quest, Leisure Suit Larry 1, Black Cauldron. In 2009 was translated King's Quest I . The commands are entered usually in Russian. This is due to the fact that the agi engine supports only 7-bit fonts (the lower part of the ASCII table), so the English font was completely replaced by Russian.  But in some games, you can also enter commands in English. A keyboard driver is included with the game. Switching to the Russian/English - right Ctrl.
For example link,1613806934/pc/police_quest_in_pursuit_of_the_death_angel/files/Police_Quest_EGA_RUS.rar
« Last Edit: February 18, 2021, 02:56:03 AM by Daventry »

Offline ZvikaZ

Re: Russian translation / AGDS tool?
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2021, 04:22:22 AM »
Thanks, that's very helpful!

However, AGI can print ascii codes in the ranges of 128 and 255, see
The problem is that as far as I understand, WORDS.TOK only support less than 128 codes.
Therefore, unless some hack is done to the interpreter, and WORDS.TOK is written in different format, it should be impossible to write commands in the ascii codes of 128 and above.

In the PQ1 games that you've sent, I see both English and Russian characters, which means that they left English in place, and used the 128 and above for Russian.
That's make sense with the Russian supporting code I've seen in ScummVM's AGI engine.
Also, the Russian game does accept commands in English.
I suspect that it doesn't accept commands in Russian (because of WORDS.TOK limitations), but I haven't checked that...

Well, it understands 'look', but not much beyond that.
So, maybe I'm wrong here regarding the commands it accept...

I've opened the game in WinAGI. It seems that it accepts commands in Russian, but in Latin letters.
For example, words group #2 ('look') is:
"issledui" , "izuyi" , "look", "pohupai" , "pokawi" , "posmotri" , "posmotri na", "proyti" , "yitai"

Are these (except 'look'...) valid Russian words?
Or maybe it's some kind of a hack, and each letter English letter here actually represents some Cyrillic letter?
« Last Edit: February 18, 2021, 04:37:15 AM by ZvikaZ »

Offline ZvikaZ

Offline Daventry

Re: Russian translation / AGDS tool?
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2021, 05:05:03 AM »
Commands are supported in both Russian and English. This is exactly what you can see from the dictionary. Before the game, the file is loaded. This is a Russian keyboard driver. To enter commands in Russian mode, you need to press the 'right CTRL' once.
'Look' is an English word:).
In the font, the English letters are replaced with Russian ones. I am not personally acquainted with the translator and I do not know the details. I did not work with the agi engine at all, only with the SCI.
In the dictionary
"issledui" , "izuyi" , "look", "pohupai" , "pokawi" , "posmotri" , "posmotri na", "proyti" , "yitai"
In the game you will see.
исследуй, изучи, look, покупай, покажи, посмотри, посмотри на, прочти, читай
« Last Edit: February 18, 2021, 05:14:44 AM by Daventry »

Offline Collector

Re: Russian translation / AGDS tool?
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2021, 07:39:49 PM »
AGDS has been available on the Wiki for some time, now.
KQII Remake Pic

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