Author Topic: [SCI Companion] Feature Idea - Persistent Window Sizing  (Read 3155 times)

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Offline Nostalgic

[SCI Companion] Feature Idea - Persistent Window Sizing
« on: May 04, 2007, 12:36:56 PM »
I have a suggestion for the SCI Companion tool. It's a relatively small one but the idea would simply be to have persistence in the app window when it's shut down so that when you start the tool back up, it opens to the size you had set it previously.

So, for example, if the tool was maximized and then shut down, when it is next started up, it will start up in the maximized state.

(I don't know how to do this in C++, so I can't offer much in the way of how to do it. In C# I usually use PersistWindowComponent and opt to write to an XML file instead of the registry because I try to avoid the registry if I can.)

Offline troflip

Re: [SCI Companion] Feature Idea - Persistent Window Sizing
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2007, 01:57:54 PM »
Persisting UI state is a function of the controls framework you use.  It should be possible with what I'm using, I just haven't bothered yet.  It's on the list for the next release though.
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