I wouldn't say it's something that needs fixing. I assume you're using Sierra games to test the sound previewing, right?
Yes. I was using codename iceman at the moment...
What the program at the top of this thread has is a drop down list where you can select whichever format you want (Yamaha, MT32, General MIDI which SCI0 games don't have unless a General MIDI patch and driver is created for fangames, Digital also which SCI0 doesn't have, and adlib/sound blaster) and then you pick the MIDI output in the program settings and it just puts whatever you've selected in the output you've selected. I say keep it that way. Don't try to translate into General MIDI because it's impossible for every game.
Yes, that's exactly what I have working now. The 5 or 6 different synths are built-in to the SCI0 sound resource format. Each of the 16 channels belongs to one or more of the synths, so you can filter out the channels that don't apply to the particular synth you have chosen. But I notice that that guy's app and mine have different instruments in some cases. Specifically for the MT-32... his instruments sound better (e.g. banjo where there should be banjo - wheras I have a piano sound). But Adlib and others match what I hear with his app. I dunno - it may just be a bug in my code somewhere.
Go the route of making a custom General MIDI driver and patch specifically for fangames. But don't let the program translate anything.
Well, that goes quite beyond my capabilities at the moment. Why the need for a custom General MIDI driver? Why not just use the gm.drv and then everyone knows which instruments are which? You said General MIDI was no good for some reason?
Not sure what you're asking here... a way to make custom patches?
Yeah. Is that possible?
I'm not sure of the format of SCI0 patch resources. Even the freesci site doesn't have "specs" for it (except for patch.002).