I should have made the connection to use kernel_112 because I did see that in sci.sc. Oh well, I'm still learning.
I'm getting very close on the software pirate (alignment is still off). I've already corrected the text boarder color to 4, not 5. I tried several fonts, including an "AGI" font I found that was too large, even imported at 8pt. I'll keep searching for something closer.

I've already done a lot of the leg work on the other two eggs. I've reviewed the AGI scripts and don't anticipate too much trouble translating them to SCI.
I'm going to have to redraw the teleportation cels for SCI, because it's smaller than SCI Rosella, but once it switches rooms I'm going to reuse the AGI graphics. They look a bit different than the SCI, but I think that's the best option.
The rap "dancing" mostly re-uses Rosella's existing views, except for these two loops - might have to redraw those.

I appreciate all the help from this forum! It's been invaluable with so many idiosyncrasies to learn between versions and still being a green at coding in general.