Author Topic: SCI32 Templates  (Read 16972 times)

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Offline EricOakford

SCI32 Templates
« on: November 27, 2021, 12:34:44 PM »
I have put together two template games for SCI32:

SCI2.0 Interpreter: Jul 01 1994 10:29:44 (KQ7 demo)
SCI2.1 Interpreter: Jul 11 1995 10:14:08 (Torin demo)

SCI2.0 still has support for 320x200 resolution, while SCI2.1 only supports 640x400.

The view editor does not properly edit SCI2 views, so any alterations can cause graphical glitches that don't appear in the view editor, but do appear in the game.

Still, these barebones templates are a good start.

My SCI templates
SCI0 SCI0.1 SCI1.0 SCI1.1
SCI2.1 planned

Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2021, 04:43:25 PM »
Brass Lantern Prop Competition

Offline EricOakford

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2021, 05:07:08 PM »
Okay, so I've discovered that a pic's height cannot be changed to anything higher than 200. This made sense during the SCI16 era, where all pics were 320x200. Since the target resolution for the SCI21 template is 640x480, this needs to be addressed. (SCI2 can still support 320x200 resolution, so there's no problem there.)
This naturally results in imported images missing the bottom half. The View editor actually does allow for each view's resolution to be either 320x200, 640x400, or 640x480.
My SCI templates
SCI0 SCI0.1 SCI1.0 SCI1.1
SCI2.1 planned

Offline Collector

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2021, 11:19:52 AM »
Enrico Rolfi developed his "FotoSCIhop" PIC/VIEW editor for his TraduSCI 2.4 SCI translation package that does SCI32. Not sure if it might be of any help for adapting Companion' editors. Looks like he just updated it last month.
KQII Remake Pic

Offline ZvikaZ

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2021, 04:43:34 AM »
That's great!
I'm really happy to see SCI32 support.

I thought that SCICompanion couldn't do SCI32 (de)compilation.
(See , on the other hand, Lars' reply at the end of gives important information...)

Is it something that was recently added to SCICompanion? I haven't seen relevant commits in Kawa's fork (and I was glad to see a recent commit in Phil's branch, but it doesn't seem to be related).

Or is it simply that SCI2 support for (de)compilation was always there (even in Phil's "classic" release), and it's only SCI3 that's troublesome?

Offline Kawa

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2021, 06:56:34 AM »
SCI2 support was already there, though some games have RESSCI.000 and RESMAP.000 instead of RESOURCE.000 and RESOURCE.MAP, and may not play nice in various ways. SCI3 simply won't work.

Besides the picture editor not letting you import high-res stuff, there's another issue involving priority maps that'll need to be addressed.

Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2021, 07:25:53 PM »
Ah yes. Priority maps are totally different.
Brass Lantern Prop Competition

Offline Kawa

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2021, 03:34:50 AM »
Specifically, SCI Companion can render the backgrounds fine and well and the Fake Ego feature proves it handles the priority screen. But you can't place individual background parts.

Offline EricOakford

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2021, 08:29:25 PM »
Well, after researching some SCI32 game demos, I figured out their interpreters' version stamps. Now I know why some don't trigger Error 42 after the resource file is modified - they have the stamp 0 or -1, which allows it to match any game!
Code: [Select]
LSL7 demo: 11
RAMA demo: -1
Torin: -1
Torin demo: -1
SQ6: 1465
SQ6 demo: 1352
SWAT demo: 1402
KQ7 demo: 0
GK1 CD: 0
PQ4 CD: 0
QFG4 CD: -1
QFG4 disk: 869
QFG4 disk (German): 933
My SCI templates
SCI0 SCI0.1 SCI1.0 SCI1.1
SCI2.1 planned

Offline doomlazer

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2021, 12:17:49 PM »
Any idea what the LSL7 stamp will be? Not that it works with SC anyway.

Offline EricOakford

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2021, 01:15:55 PM »
Any idea what the LSL7 stamp will be? Not that it works with SC anyway.

Here's the initial DOS interpreter's build date and version:
Code: [Select]
Oct 18 1996 04:09:07   3.000.000The version stamp number is 18.
And here's for the interpreter included in the official patch:
Code: [Select]
Nov 08 1996 17:46:12   3.000.000HOWEVER... the stamp number in the patch's interpreter is -1! That means no version stamp check! ;D

By the way, you can input the interpreter's name with any argument, and it will give the version number and stamp.
My SCI templates
SCI0 SCI0.1 SCI1.0 SCI1.1
SCI2.1 planned

Offline doomlazer

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2021, 04:02:08 PM »
By the way, you can input the interpreter's name with any argument, and it will give the version number and stamp.

Thank you. I tried this with a few games but couldn't get it to output the info in DOSBox.
"c:\KQ4\sierra version" outputs "Can't find configuration file" and "c:\KQ4\sierra -version" boots the game with no output. I must be doing something wrong.

Edit: No problem. Thank you for clarifying!
« Last Edit: December 20, 2021, 01:28:59 PM by doomlazer »

Offline EricOakford

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2021, 12:34:54 PM »
By the way, you can input the interpreter's name with any argument, and it will give the version number and stamp.

Thank you. I tried this with a few games but couldn't get it to output the info in DOSBox.
"c:\KQ4\sierra version" outputs "Can't find configuration file" and "c:\KQ4\sierra -version" boots the game with no output. I must be doing something wrong.

This doesn't work on SCI16 interpreters before version 1.001.095 (which is nearly all of them). I guess I should have noted that.
My SCI templates
SCI0 SCI0.1 SCI1.0 SCI1.1
SCI2.1 planned

Offline EricOakford

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2022, 08:42:54 PM »
I managed to put in an older-style status line. Since the DrawStatus kernel call no longer exists in SCI32, this required making a special plane with text. QFG4 did a similar thing, but with views to represent current health, stamina, and mana.
My SCI templates
SCI0 SCI0.1 SCI1.0 SCI1.1
SCI2.1 planned

Offline EricOakford

Re: SCI32 Templates
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2022, 08:17:08 PM »
It seems like the reason the views tend to be garbled when edited may be related to SCICompanion not properly modifying RESOURCE.MAP. That may explain why the views look okay in the view editor.

And adding in the control panel is tougher than in SCI16, since the GameControls and Slider classes appear to have been deprecated. SCI2's control panel will be based on that of GK1 and SCI2.1's on SQ6.
My SCI templates
SCI0 SCI0.1 SCI1.0 SCI1.1
SCI2.1 planned

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