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I found some projects which might help:https://github.com/xesf/dgds-viewer - The aim of this project is to provide resource viewer of the various games developed by Dynamix using their Dynamix Game Development System engine.https://github.com/SkaZzMaSTaH/Dynamix-GDS-Extractor - Volume file extractor for Dynamix, Inc. games created using the GDS engine.https://github.com/SkaZzMaSTaH/Dynamix-FNT-Editor - Font editor for Dynamix, Inc. games created using the GDS engine.https://github.com/SkaZzMaSTaH/Dynamix-SDS-Text-Editor - Text editor for Dynamix, Inc. game SDS files created using the GDS engine.https://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/DGDS - a few WIP DGDS engines for scummvm
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