Author Topic: Looking for an AGI Picture Artist  (Read 1246 times)

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Offline AGKorson

Looking for an AGI Picture Artist
« on: July 26, 2022, 10:33:06 AM »
I'm working on a demo game to show off some advanced AGI coding techniques. But I need a bit of help with the art.

SPOILER ALERT: Imagine native support (i.e. no hacked interpreter files needed) in AGI for things like mouse support, 80 column text mode, MIDI and FM synth (e.g. Adlib, SoundBlaster) sound support, extended characters, full control of color palette, dynamic menus, data file input/output, customizable status line, and much more! Just drop the AGI Power Pack logic script into your game, and you get it all! Without using any resource memory!

I am not an artist. (If you've seen the WinAGI template game rooms you know what I mean.) So I'm looking for someone to help with 8 - 10 rooms so this demo will not look like a two-year old drew it with crayons.

The setting is an office building- I need some offices, a reception area, hallways, stairwells, a closet, stuff like that. If this is something you can help me with, send me a PM.


Offline MusicallyInspired

Re: Looking for an AGI Picture Artist
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2022, 06:57:34 AM »
I'm not an artist but I'm eagerly anticipating this!!
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