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Category: AudioGroup: None>Status: Closed>Resolution: FixedPriority: 5Private: NoSubmitted By: Brandon Blume (musiclyinspired)>Assigned to: Eugene Sandulenko (sev)Summary: AGI: Proper Tandy 3-Voice/IBM PCjr Sound SupportInitial Comment:Currently, the sound support in AGI plays back the 3-channel sound resources plus the white noise but it sounds awful (perhaps because the Sarien interpreter was originally meant to imitate the Amiga?). The voices sound very Amiga-like (sort of like a bad electric piano Casio keyboard sound) and the white noise is just a bland hiss without pitch-shifting capabilities. Since ScummVM currently has the ability to produce proper IBM PCjr sound for SCUMM games would it be difficult to move the same capabilities over to the AGI engine as well? NAGI (another AGI interpreter) and DOSBox (when machine type is set to "tandy") both produce the proper sound if reference is needed.---------------------------------------------------------------------->Comment By: Eugene Sandulenko (sev)Date: 2010-06-15 19:23Message:Implemented in SVN. Now it is default mode for DOS games. Old emulator isleft for Amiga and Atari.[/i]
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