Okay, I'm back

. Caught an awful case of Montezuma's Revenge while on vacation, and as a result I was able to put a lot of work into Zork. I've uploaded a new version of the 'demo', though at this point I guess it's not really a demo anymore.
Here's a list of what's fixed in the latest version:
- Completely rewrote and fully implemented the Queue and QueueInterrupt functions (this is what makes the 'daemons' or 'timers' work)
- Fixed Random() function implementation, it was generating negative numbers but code was expecting only positive ones
- Fixed parsing of preposition 'at'
- Fixed JigsUp (death handler) functionality - wasn't referring to correct text res # to pull the values from
- Array-driven print functionality had their parameter values swapped
- Fixed printing random values from text res when index contained mathematical operation (LeakDaemon)
- Cosmetic: Changed room scripts to be named the actual room instead of 'rmXXX'
- Fixed issue with attempting to print a single integer with the AppendMsgBuffer routine
- Vocabulary: When a word is both a noun and an adjective, only give it the noun class. Otherwise parsing was failing under certain scenarios (this was a fun one, I'll have to do a write-up on it at some point)
Out of heap errors are less frequent too. I was able to score upwards of 150 points in this version before the game crashed on me.
The one bug that is really irritating is that sometimes the 'state' of things seemingly gets reset. The kitchen window will occasionally close itself, sometimes treasures disappear from the trophy case. Sometimes the 'visited' property gets reset so you'll get the initial description of an object even though you've seen it before.