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Offline gumby

« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2010, 02:46:13 PM »
Ouch.  Now I don't even get the 'Account has been suspended'.  Looks like the domain is no longer parked.
In the Great Underground Empire (Zork port in development)
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Offline MusicallyInspired

« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2010, 05:40:21 PM »
Unless someone has it backed up, it's probably gone by now.
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Offline Collector

« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2011, 10:23:29 PM »
Anymore news here?
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Offline gumby

« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2011, 09:11:21 AM »
I haven't heard any more news from Raf.  The domain registration expired on March 24 - I hope that he got it transferred, but somehow I doubt it.
In the Great Underground Empire (Zork port in development)
Winter Break 2012 Rope Prop Competition

Offline robingravel

« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2011, 11:38:46 AM »
I just checked

It works.  It became something else.

Offline Collector

« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2011, 01:16:50 PM »
That is just a parked domain.
KQII Remake Pic

Offline gumby

« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2011, 01:57:57 PM »
Here is the latest from Raf:

 I've tried to contact Chris a few months ago, but he never replied.
 Right now, we're thinking of redoing the whole site (and grab the domain
 as soon as it comes free), but it'll also mean we'll need that database.
 Right now, we're mainly looking for features the site needs that 1. the
 old community members that're still active might need (or which would
 reactivate inactive members) and 2. will appeal to new people to come
 over, play AGI games and make some themselves. If you got any
 suggestions, I'd love to hear them!

Anyone have any ideas they would like me to pass along?
In the Great Underground Empire (Zork port in development)
Winter Break 2012 Rope Prop Competition

Offline Cloudee1

« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2011, 03:56:13 PM »
Tell him to get an account here at sciprogramming... I'd like to chat with him about keeping our communites linked together. I've always seen us as sister communities
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Offline gumby

« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2011, 08:58:00 PM »
In the Great Underground Empire (Zork port in development)
Winter Break 2012 Rope Prop Competition

Offline Raf

« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2011, 02:26:12 AM »

Just for the record, the domain's parked by Chris' hosting. They seem to want to sell it to the highest bidder (0 bidders so far), which will stop tomorrow. Gotta make sure I grab the domain as soon as it comes free, so we're capable of getting back into business.

The database (including forum posts) are probably lost. Sucks donkeynuts, as it was a treasure trove of AGI and SCI info. I believe Chris's last personal backup was about a year ago. If I can ever get in touch with him, and he can get to the machine this backup's on, we might get it back, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. It seems 'bout time to make a fresh start. Linking both AGI and SCI together does seem like a good idea (it always felt weird having the two split up)

Offline Collector

« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2011, 03:06:12 PM »
Even a year old backup would contain most of the important things.
KQII Remake Pic

Offline Raf

« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2011, 03:57:49 PM »
It would contain the stuff we'd like the most (both SCI and AGI guys), cause most of the interesting stuff's at least 5 years old. I hope that sooner or later, Chris'll get to the machine it's on and can send us the backup.

Until then, though, we can't stand still. Gotta blow some life into the scene again. I think Klownstein's release of his Hobbit game (that one was new to me, just found out 'bout it today! :o ) will help.

I've talked to an AGS user who didn't grow up with AGI, to hear how they see these things. His response comes down to this:

1. They don't understand AGI games. They think they're too hard and don't appreciate the death scenes.
2. They seem to think AGI can do one type of game, and one type of game only, while AGS is flexible enough to do a myriad of types.
3. With AGS, they got the freedom to use whatever graphics tool they want.

1 and 2're easy enough to fix (2 especially since there's AGI Tetris and the likes). 3 might be trickier. It's great to see that Lance turned Picedit into Java, so we can run it on any platform, but it doesn't take the problem away. The Joker (one of the guys behind Enclosure) once taught me a great way of doing this, though. I think Klownstein does the same. It comes down to making a very rough outline in Picedit (to get the pixels right), export it as BMP, edit it in whatever tool you want, then turning it into a pic resource with Vector. Inbetween, you can finish it up with the views editor. It might still be a bit of a clunky way of doing things, but it helps on point 3 a bit.

Patrick's suggested trying to take AGI to portable devices and the web. Sarien's well on its way for the web part, and I believe they got a tablet version of the interpreter out, too, so that should help as well.

That's the ideas (or outlines, more like) we got at the moment. I've been also toying around with the idea of making collaboration groups possible, to share documents and discussions in a closed part (so only the dev. team can access it so as not to spoil things for others), but I guess AGI's too small a group of people for that.

It'd be interesting to hear your ideas and opinions, and any suggestions as to how we can link AGI and SCI back together!


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« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2011, 05:13:03 PM »
If I had to assess the situation- I would say that (minus a very few active members) the AGI community was already 'dead'.  I conjecture that this is mostly because the target audience has either grown up or moved on. So this leaves us with the question- how do we either 'shift' the target audience- or how do we 'respark' the interest of the old community?

Honestly- as one of these people who has kinda 'moved on'- I would say that one of the biggest factors was the global shift from desktop --> web (Web 2.0). This paradigm is documented- it's nothing that I am making up. The majority of Internet users don't even own a desktop anymore. We are flooded with this concept of 'netbooks' and stripped down OSes that aren't conducive to creating AGI games anymore.

It would be super awesome if we could harness 'the cloud' to remove the woes of desktop development/game distribution. Have you guys seen ( It would be ridiculous if we could incorporate this into the core development of AGI gaming (Export to web feature?). Who knows- it may even save us.

Just some thoughts-

Offline Cloudee1

« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2011, 05:25:30 PM »
That's just it, as far as creating adventure games, ags is the way to go for most people. To those few of us, creating Sierra adventure games was the big draw and yeah Patrick, I feel old. As for attracting new members... Almost going to have to take some sort of hype. Whether that comes in a form of new kick ass games, sarien like web development or something else that I don't know about.

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« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2011, 05:27:30 PM »
It's a lot to take in and think about right now. Ultimately- if it isn't pulled off correctly- it won't succeed.


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