VAG explained it to me a few weeks ago.
It's true that the program dumps the files without the required header, but you can easily (wll, sort of) add this to the files.
Just create a blank filed and name it "header" (well, name it whatever you want). Edit this file with an hexadecimal editor and add two bytes, being the first one the resource type identifier (i.e. 8F for message) and the second being a 0 byte (00).
Then save the file and open a dos prompt. Type in there:
copy header+resource.msg resource1.msgand you're done.
You can figure out the resource identifier by sending the dumper output to a txt file (by typing sciresdump > nameoftxt.txt). Then you will see a "type" column at the beggining of each resource list, followed by a number. Convert this number to hexadecimal and that's it.
Directory type 0 (view), offs= 1f, len= 198 (68 entries) :"0" is the identifier, so it will be "00" or "80" in the header file.
By the way, I would really appreciate a Script Editor for SCi32 scripts
PS. What are heap files for?