Up until now I had no idea of this method of "unlocking" the debug modes. In this weekend (when I'll be home, with my home computer, and my extensive SIERRA directory), I'm gonna try your "trial & error" method and try to discover more such debug scripts.
I'm so glad this forum gives us the opportunity to share such methods and expend our knowledge in this area.
The other methods I know of are the empty "CLASSES" file, changing the "VERSION" file to read-only (PQ3), and deleting some external script files (SQ6).
Those methods were discussed in the previous debug thread on this board, so you can all read about it there, but it gets me back to my other point which was putting all this valuable knowledge in a simple text file, and uploading it somewhere. This way people could add they discoveries to this file and update it, and it won't be forgotten. The board is a good place to discuss stuff but people who will visit this board in a few months will probably miss this topic and who knows? Maybe they know some interesting stuff about other debug modes, have a special forgotten beta versions... I think I made my point...

BTW - why extracting internal resources, and putting them in the games directory makes them behave differently? I thought external resources overrides the internal ones, but in this case they are the same ones so why the different behaviour? maybe the scripts have a routine that can check if they are present as external files in the game's directory?
The LSL6 debug scripts could have been deleted in the CDROM version, but they might as well be there under a different number. It's worth checking out.