well, I reached SQ6. Although it has a spanish translation, I want to review it, and check some things.
For do this, the first thing is try to add subtitles to 90.VMD and 1090.VMD videos (the existant fanmade translation has subtitles, but I don't like them and the font is different to the one of the game -font 71-).
For achieve that, I want to mod rm100.sc to play directly the video and not lost time seeing the beginning of the intro, so I need to modify the script.
This time, I have not luck. I can not make it compile correctly with sluicebox sources (and there are either sources from EricOakford), and the decompilation results in:

I added the original source of the method and Prop from sluicebox, but the hiliteState is not compiling well. In any case, with a minor change, I can make it to compile correctly:

But in ScummVM I get this:

Any idea how to solve this?