Author Topic: Best Interpreter for our sci games  (Read 4412 times)

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Offline Cloudee1

Best Interpreter for our sci games
« on: January 03, 2007, 02:04:02 PM »
I was wondering which interpreter would be the overall best one for us to use. I know  Chris has mentioned before that he likes 0.000.685 because of the sound and support for 3 mouse buttons. But will it support the avoid script that Troflip got working.

I know the one that comes packaged with the scistudio template will support the avoid, but I have no idea what version it is, or what else it may do.  I was wondering from you interpreter-guys what your opinions are of our best interpreter version option for our sci games.

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Offline trodoss

Re: Best Interpreter for our sci games
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2007, 11:14:30 AM »

I am pretty sure that the interpreter with the original SCI Studio (in the 'template' game) was 000.000.685 as well.  I think it was Sierra's last 'real' SCI0 interpreter, and what they used to make Space Quest 3.

Well, you *could* say that the best interpreter is FreeSCI, as it is a community-developed/supported interpreter that supports SCI0/SCI1.  Considering you wouldn't have to use things like dosbox, and could be used on linux, it would probablly be 'best' for modern platforms.  I would think that SCI Companion could probablly use it in a 'template' game at some point. 

I think if I had to pick one for EGA games that was made by Sierra, I would use 1.000.072 (Quest for Glory 2).  It would be a little more complicated to code for, but I think it would be a good one. 

1.000.174 (the 'Christmas Demo 1990' interpreter) has been one that I have been looking at for a while.  I think it is a pretty decent VGA interpreter that still supports the text parser.  It is 'relatively' compatable with some of the SCI0 forrmat (granted, not for views/pics). 
« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 11:22:25 AM by trodoss »
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