In any event, part of the reason the SCI community is on life support is because it spends most of its time not learning from its past and being critical (harshly so, sometimes).
I wouldn't call it life support, I own the domain name for the next 9 years, so for that long whether or not it's active, these forums will always be present. To say that we haven't learned from our past just isn't fair, I have tried to design our new home to directly combat some of the problems which we used to have as I saw them. The forum boards themselves were carefully considered to try and ease a users ability to find and use tools and resources and to provide a wealth of scripting examples that are easy to find and understand.
I can personally pinpoint the day Mega-tokyo started it's decline, it all stemmed from one moment. Now there is only a small percentage of users who were around then and can point to the same day, with a new home and new users coming just let it go, less and less people will even know what you are talking about anyway. In three years when new members are reading this thread looking for your decompiler are they even going to know who he is, assuming by then we have a bug free studio to replace scistudio and documentation to match. It might be nice to have his mythological decompiler, but we don't, and we don't know how well it even really worked anyway, but everything else he has released will fade into the background as better less crash prown tools are created. Considering the state of scistudio vga, if the decompiler was remotely usable, it probably would have been released. I have my own opinions of Brian as I'm sure everyone else does, but airing them doesn't progress the community, that's something I have learned from our past.
If you have suggestions to make the community better or stronger in any way, by all means, let's hear em. But bitching about Brian isn't going to help anything. I read your thoughts in full, I never said I disagreed with any of it, all I'm saying is that it isn't going to get us off of "life-support" only prolong it.
All right, now that that's over, have you figured out a name for your studio. Is it going to start off with just ega support or are you going to try and incorporate vga elements. Trodoss and Lars both have ideas for getting vga resources to work via our measily scripts. A studio and template that was built around that concept would fit the bill nicely.