I belive there is a way to make multiple text boxes on the screen at once. I think it is rather convoluted and I can't remember all the specifics, but I believe it is accomplished by preventing the background from 'refreshing' and then making the text appear on it. That way, when the player presses 'enter', the text box does not disappear. Note that if you have any 'views' around the text box, you need to prevent them from refreshing as well because it causes the text box around the view to be cleared. Sorry I can't give specifics because I can't remember them anymore.
If I can muster the motivation, I'll see if I can flush out the details for you.
An additional technique that you could use:
Make a view that is a blank white box, draw the view on the background and stop it from refreshing, use the command to write text on the screen (Like when 'you think you hear footsteps!' in SQ1). This would allow you to have multiple areas of text on different parts of the screen but can also allow the player to move around while the text is there. (See Mixed Up Mother Goose when the riddles are written out for an example of how this works)