What about the [SHIFT+/]?
I have a question about this. It seems like it's supposed to show the same output as [ALT+h] currently does, right?
Since the debug handler uses switch case, I can't just change it to ((or KEY_ALT_h KEY_QUESTION). I'd need to break out the help code to a new procedure or have redundant code (unless there is a fall through for switch that I'm missing).
Neither [SHIFT+/] or [ALT+h] is listed in the help output, so does it make more sense to get rid of [ALT+h] and change to [SHIFT+/]? I've spent the last several days trying to keep things as historically accurate as possible, so I'm not sure what the best choice is here.
I'm seeing something strange with the emALT modifier. It seems that it's not working with leftclick only rightclick. emCTRL works fine with either so what's the deal with emALT? I guess in this instance I'll just label "Show mouse x,y" as [ALT+Right_Click] and call it good.
As for PolyEdit crashing in ScummVM. I think submitting a bug report is the best thing to do. The SVM error is:
parameter 0: 0034:1ffb (object), should be node
[VM] kPrevNode[35]: signature mismatch in method PolyEdit::prev (room 500, script 999, localCall ffffffff)!
I tested with Pepper Adventures in Time's debugger and Polyedit has the exact same problem. ScummVM also doesn't seem to do anything for Show (Kernel) as well. Everything works in DOSBox so for the purpose of this debugger I'm considering those issues to be a larger SVM problem and not a defect with the patch.