Author Topic: Early versions of LSL2 pics!  (Read 1730 times)

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Offline lskovlun

Early versions of LSL2 pics!
« on: November 25, 2023, 10:19:40 AM »
I stumbled across these in the source code archive that's known to everyone about now. They had been misplaced in one of the LSL1 folders, but wouldn't decode as AGI pictures - which I found odd, until it dawned on me that they were in fact SCI pictures! I'm still busy sorting out the differences to the final version (based on file sizes, most are minor), but here's one scene with big differences:

Offline Kawa

Re: Early versions of LSL2 pics!
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2023, 10:32:29 AM »
Nice find. That it was misplaced explains why I didn't find it two years ago when I went through unused assets in LSL2 and 3.

Here's my findings, minus yours:
Code: [Select]
view.000 A chunk of wall with "yo is here muther fucker" on it. ID implies it's an item.
view.199 A closeup on a jowblob.
view.256 A kid skateboarding and wiping out. Also a jet plane for some reason. ID places him in LA.
view.317 The lady from the title screen (809 vTitleHenchette) but fully lit and animated. ID places her on the ship.
view.805 Larry getting a jowblob from Kalalau?
view.814 Larry working on a computer.
view.900 Some sort of timed device.
view.901-904 Various rectangles of different colors, cycling through the entire CGA palette.
view.905 A flame and... something.
view.906 Someone opening a window and throwing up?
view.998 A black rectangle.
view.999 System UI view intended for message dialogue boxes.

pic.083 Dr. Nonookee's throme room (093) but with different materials.
pic.175 Kalalau's closeup (099) but with a different background and 200% more obnoxious eye makeup.
pic.700 The copy protection (010) but in gray. The photos are black.
pic.901 Possibly a boss key thing.

sound.018 Short drum riff?

Offline lskovlun

Re: Early versions of LSL2 pics!
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2023, 02:40:07 PM »
Unfortunately, many of the differences amount to filling/outlining of the control screen. I have a whole set of difference images now. The difference you mentioned for PIC.083/PIC.093 is interesting; it seems they must have renumbered that resource at some point, because the difference between early PIC.083 and final PIC.083 is precisely that. Another interesting one I thought was this. Larry is positioned differently, so you can see his bald spot. One file was truncated, and had to be rescued with a manually inserted termination marker.

BTW, I used this tool for the work.

Offline Kawa

Re: Early versions of LSL2 pics!
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2023, 02:41:53 PM »
I freakin' love SV-CLI.

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