I couldn't make progress after the tube control room, but I documented the bugs I ran into up until that point - attached below.
I got stuck there for a bit, but then tried to retrace my steps shall we say.
Also, this might be a personal preference thing, but I'd really prefer the messages to use the system font instead of the raster fonts. Seems so out of place.
Yeah, I agree with this. This will be a feature of the agi.js interpreter that Russ forked to use for the execution of the game. This is one of the reasons I'm keen to get the game up and running within AGILE, since, in theory, many of those issues would be fixed automatically by running it in an interpreter such as AGILE, NAGI, scummvm, or obviously the original AGI interpreter.
After seeing your post, I realised that I should also have been reporting bugs to Russ. I saw many of the same bugs that you mention in your list. My assumption is that all the priority issues, of which there are many, is also a "feature" of the agi.js interpreter and not the PICTURE data files, as the priority issues occur in pictures that are obviously copied from original Sierra games. Now that I've finished the game, I have loaded it into WinAGI (as much as successfully loads in, the PICTUREs appearing to load fine) and the priority screens themselves look fine to me. Nothing in them to explain the priority issues in the game. Hmmm... just noticed a few PICTUREs I didn't see during my play through. It looks like I might have to play through again to find those rooms. Apparently visiting them isn't required to finish the game, but perhaps it explains why I finished with only 38 out of 40.
Issue #1 and #2 would also be bugs in agi.js. For issue #4, I assumed that this was deliberate, as it is fairly obvious. I thought that perhaps that captures the nature of sweeping, which sometimes involves moving backwards. - Yeah, I also noticed issue #5. I need to play through again and make a list of bugs... anything I can see that you haven't already mentioned. - Regarding issue #9, I saw in many rooms that certain word combinations that I tried did not have any response at all. In some cases actually, the same word combination worked fine in the room next door, even though the sentence related to what I was carrying rather than what was in the room. - Issue #17 would be related to a bug in agi.js.
I also saw issues in some places where the drawing of certain VIEW cells appeared to be corrupted. It kind of gets drawn static-y, where the pixels are jumbled up a bit.