BTW. scummvm does not seem to "recognise" my game hash. So I never got it running with it.
You likely need to compile a custom version of ScummVM with your game added to the
SCI detection table. While in development, only check for hashes which aren't going to change, so checking against resource.000 is a bad idea (until the final release).
When you release, you can either supply the custom SVM exe (ideally with the non-SCI engines removed so it's not 300+ MBs) with your installer or submit the hashes to SVM (which can take a while to get included in a formal release).
Since it seems to be pointing at the nextroom method, why not do what Kawa suggested and use "Print" to determine what statement is crashing the game? Try commenting out the checks in the nextroom "and" one at a time too. There's not that much in nextroom, so you should be able to find the problem with trial and error pretty quickly.
Edit: How did you see the error message in scumm if it wont run the game?