Hi, everyone.
You may remember back in 2004 Brian Provinciano released GBAGI, an interpreter that let you play Sierra AGI games on the Game Boy Advance:
http://www.agiwiki.sierrahelp.com/index.php/GBAGIIt had a few bugs in it ? notably that the parser sometimes mismatched words, leading to some unfortunate softlock situations, like in Space Quest I where you are unable to "close" the door to the escape pod. (Turns out the parser mismatches the word "close" with "closet.") The 2004 version also had some bugs with the sound code so the music and sound effects sounded very strange.
I did a video not long ago about GBAGI where I played through Space Quest I and II, and on the basis of that video, a user on my Discord took it upon himself to dive into Brian's code and fix the bugs.
So here is the 2024 updated version of GBAGI that fixes these 20 year old bugs:
https://github.com/Davidebyzero/GBAGIHope you enjoy.

All the best,
The Space Quest Historian