So, yeah, I think it is mainly the "pcall" macro uses below that are causing issues:
DOTEST.ASM: pcall Error,#15,ax ;bad test number
EQUIPCHK.ASM: pcall open,&fontFile,#INPUT0
EQUIPCHK.ASM: pcall printf,&noFontMsg
EQUIPCHK.ASM: pcall read,ax,heapBase,#FONTFILESIZE
EQUIPCHK.ASM: pcall printf,&noMemMsg
INTRPT.ASM: pcall WindowNoWait,&badStackMsg
SCROUT.ASM: pcall PutChar,#RETURN ;out of window -- recurse on
SCROUT.ASM: pcall ClearRect,topline,#TEXTLEFT,bottomline,#TEXTRGHT,attribute
i.e. any usage that uses # or &.
The following are working fine:
DOTEST.ASM: pcall TraceTest,ax,savedTestPtr
DOTEST.ASM: pcall CompareStrings,ax,bx
EQUIPCHK.ASM: pcall close,ax
EQUIPCHK.ASM: pcall ErrBeep
SCROUT.ASM: pcall ClrLines, theLine, theLine, clrAtr
There must be a way to translate the # and & into a form that MASM understands. For example, if & could be translated into "OFFSET " then maybe that might work (?). Maybe there is a way to define/override what these chars do. The & char is a tricky one though, as that is by default used for substitution, which I'm making heavy use of in the macro definitions.