Author Topic: Contemplation about a coin being a 2-bit game in LSL5  (Read 1505 times)

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Offline miracle.flame

Contemplation about a coin being a 2-bit game in LSL5
« on: July 03, 2024, 01:32:08 PM »
There's an item in Leisure Suit Larry 5 with this code
Code: [Select]
(instance Some_Change of InvI
view 942
cursor 942
signal $0002
description {the quarter}
name "the quarter"

(method (doVerb theVerb param2 &tmp [temp0 40])
(switch theVerb
(Format @temp0 19 35 (* global168 2))
(proc0_14 @temp0 80 name)
(if (Random 0 1) {head} else {tails})
(proc0_14 @temp0)
(localproc_008a (Inv indexOf: self) param2)
(super doVerb: theVerb param2 &rest)

When you examine this quarter in game the narrator says "You always were a 2-bit game player!" where in strings 2 was translated from variable %d.

First off I am curious why this string had to have a variable in it and what could be the idea behind varying this value.
Secondly will someone try to elaborate how the random outcome of 1 or 0 is a 2-bit game and not 1-bit or...?

Offline Kawa

Re: Contemplation about a coin being a 2-bit game in LSL5
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2024, 02:38:10 PM »
In the original source code and Sluicebox decompile alike, things are a little clearer.

You have a certain number of quarters, tracked by global 168 gQuarters. In American English parlance, a quarter is also known as two bits, as in the price of a shave and a haircut. Therefore, if you have one quarter in change, looking at the item says "2-bit game player". The number goes up accordingly, so if you have four quarters you're an 8-bit player. Unfortunately, you can't have four quarters as the number is only directly assigned 2, 1, or 0, not incremented.

Nothing to say about this. A quarter has only two sides and it picks one at random. It has nothing to do with the Look description.

Offline miracle.flame

Re: Contemplation about a coin being a 2-bit game in LSL5
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2024, 02:55:31 AM »
Well, this was unexpected. Great knowing the idea behind it though. I am pretty sure this joke goes unappreciated by most folks.

Offline OmerMor

Re: Contemplation about a coin being a 2-bit game in LSL5
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2024, 03:43:21 AM »
Thanks for the explanation Kawa! I certainly didn't get that, even though I heard about the "two bits" before, in the context of this tune from Roger Rabbit:

Offline Kawa

Re: Contemplation about a coin being a 2-bit game in LSL5
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2024, 05:30:50 AM »
Thanks for the explanation Kawa! I certainly didn't get that, even though I heard about the "two bits" before, in the context of this tune from Roger Rabbit:
I was specifically hoping miracle.flame had seen that movie when I wrote that bit of my post.

Offline miracle.flame

Re: Contemplation about a coin being a 2-bit game in LSL5
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2024, 11:48:16 AM »
I've seen the movie... a looong time ago... with Czech dubbing. I have to check how they translated the scene there.

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