Author Topic: Old Dos Sierra Game ? King Quest VII  (Read 1005 times)

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Offline Crazy_Chicken

Old Dos Sierra Game ? King Quest VII
« on: July 07, 2024, 03:20:57 AM »
I am trying to mod one of my favorite games: King?s Quest VII
I thought it might be fun to play around with some of the graphics/audio

I?ve used SCICompanion to browse and extract some of the things I wish to improve. I?ve extracted some sprites/audio and have made some improvements; however when I apply the changes, the game breaks. I get the following message whenever I attempt to run the game with my new edits: Error 42: This game has not been version-stamped

The Error 42 shows up in the following conditions:
1) If I make my changes and run the game through SCIcompanion
2) If I use the ?Repackage Audio? option
3) If I use the ?Rebuild Resources? option, SCIcompanion gives me an error itself saying ? failed with error 2: The system cannot find the file specified?

I don?t know what any of this means, I cant really find an answer to what this is; there doesn?t seem to be anything out there explaining that error code or how to correct it.

At first I thought it was because I used an incompatible graphic/sound format, but I don?t think that?s the case as simply extracting/reinserting untouched assets causes the game to not work. My best guess is that either the devs locked the archive with a hash of some sort, or there is a step I am missing in order to run with these changes.

Anyway, I am at the end of my technical ability; I?ve reached a wall I cannot pass and thought I would reach out here to see if anyone can further assist me on what I am doing wrong. Thank you!

Offline Kawa

Re: Old Dos Sierra Game ? King Quest VII
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2024, 03:50:43 AM »
KQ7, as an SCI 2.1 game, may not be completely supported by SCI Companion to begin with. Not yet.

At any rate, the version stamping thing refers to a protection mechanism where the interpreter and game resources are a matching pair. Especially in the days of SCI 0 to 1.1, the interpreters would change a lot between games so they had the interpreters check for this "version stamp" in the resources just to make sure you didn't use the wrong interpreter/game combination, before the game would try to use a certain feature that isn't in that interpreter yet/anymore.

So what I did was two tests:
  • I edited the crown cursor, view 997, to have a little smiley face on it, and saved it as a patch file. Running the game in ScummVM popped up the debugger with an error implying the file format was wrong. This is what I was implying with the "for now" bit in the first line.
  • (After removing the patch file to revert the above) I extracted the original view 997 but saved it as 999.v56, the wand cursor. Running the game in ScummVM gave me... a crown instead of a wand, because the "wait" and "arrow" cursors now look the same.

What I did not do was, at any point, alter the resource files because I already knew the game would reject it from the start. For that matter, so would ScummVM since it uses hash-matching on the resource files to identify the game's version and integrity.

So you can't rightly edit most SCI 2.1 or later resources (and I can't guarantee anything about 2.0) and the interpreter can tell when the resource files are tampered with so you must limit yourself to using patch files.

Offline Dhel

Re: Old Dos Sierra Game ? King Quest VII
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2024, 09:44:04 AM »
If you want to edit the graphics then FotoSCIhop should work without any issues. Like Kawa has mentioned, SCICompanion is not yet SCI2+ compatible. Not sure about the audio editing though.

Offline Collector

Re: Old Dos Sierra Game ? King Quest VII
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2024, 11:19:08 AM »
FotoSCIhop is part of the TraduSCI suite that Enrico Rolfi created to translate Gabriel Knight II to Italian. It is not a full IDE, but can handle editing of some SCI32 resources. FotoSCIhop is its graphical editor to open and edit the Pics and Views of SCI32 games.

Check Endroz Rolfi's Software Hatch site for the latest.
KQII Remake Pic

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