Yay, this is cool. I've had it for a while, but now more people can have it. Maybe add a binary? Not everyone wants to fiddle with Watcom C... I've got a binary of the old version 4.111, and a quick diff shows that the differences are minor. Then what's next is some instructions for setting up an actual build environment (I could help with that). I don't think I've built anything with this version (I have successfully used the 16-bit version), but the process is mostly the same AFAIK.
Actually there is a executable binary in the release section for those who don't want to compile it. Also in the readme is instructions for the build environment. Very easy to do, just install OpenWatcom 2 to the C:\watcom and run the build scripts

. Or do you mean a build environment to compile SCI games? That would be helpful! I have some resources to help with that as well.
I figured the source was out there since I have an older 16bit version that I have never compiled. But this I think was the latest that was created from Sierra, then past to Codemasters and still in use today to compile scripts for the Realm.
On a side note, I don't have a compiling version of MakeVols at the moment but I was going to look at getting that compiling as well. There is a good chance Digital Alchemy might also open source it if I request it.