Author Topic: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog  (Read 9348 times)

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Offline Charles

Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« on: December 09, 2020, 02:45:32 PM »
As I detailed in the "What are we working on?" thread earlier, I've modded QFG1EGA to implement a "Retry" feature when the Hero dies.

I was absolutely floored by the positive encouragement I've received in the community, so I wanted to share how I implemented it, so others could also implement in their games (or mod existing Sierra games).

My goal with "Retry" was to remove a potential point of frustration for new (and old) players being punished for exploring the game and trying things. However, I didn't want to eliminate the deaths entirely, because they are a fundamental part of the Sierra experience, and are part of each Sierra game's unique charm.

My particular solution was to replace game-ending deaths with an additional achievement system, which not only keeps track of which deaths the user encountered but also displays them (like QFG1EGA's inventory screen).

I chose a "minimally invasive" approach, whereby I only reverted the specific events that caused the death (and any items directly branched off from that death, if the death wasn't instant), leaving the rest of the users experiences intact.

I had to modify/add five things to make this happen:
  • (modified)
  • (modified)
  • (modified)
  • (added)
  • any script that calls the EgoDead function

To keep track of each unique death, I created an Enum. Because this can grow fairly large (QFG1EGA had 79 Unique Deaths), I decided to create a new file and reference it in, rather than putting everything into itself.
Code: [Select]
;These are death flags. They're used to track which ways the user has died. 
;They will be shown at the end of the game.

; unique deaths
(define DIE_RESTART -2) ;show Restore, Restart, Quit; (same as not specifying anything at all) instead of Retry, Restore, Quit)
(define DIE_RETRY -1) ;show a Retry, Restore, Quit
(define DIE_NOFLAG -1) ; a retry is shown, but nothing is flagged.
;explicitly define the starting number, ending number and death count, which will be used in the DeathSheet script.
(define DIE_START 450)
(define DIE_COUNT 79)
(define DIE_END 528)
;there are roughly 100 deaths, so we'll reserve flags 450-550 for them (with room for 50 more in expansion up to flag 600)
(enum 450

Next up is modifying the EgoDeath function in  Keeping track of the different deaths is done with the eventFlags variable, and Btst, Bclr, Bset. I don't know if every Sierra game includes them or not, so if they're not present, you'll need to add them. the eventFlags variable must be an array. Each byte of the array can hold 16 bits (or 16 individual flags).  QFG1EGA allocated 50 bytes (800 flags), and didn't use nearly all of them, so I was able to just use them without allocating any more space.
Code: [Select]
(procedure (Bset bit)
(= [eventFlags (/ bit 16)]
[eventFlags (/ bit 16)]
(>> $8000 (mod bit 16))

(procedure (Bclr bit)
(= [eventFlags (/ bit 16)]
[eventFlags (/ bit 16)]
(~ (>> $8000 (mod bit 16)))

(procedure (Btst bit)
[eventFlags (/ bit 16)]
(>> $8000 (mod bit 16))

Then the EgoDeath function. In QFG1EGA it's the first global function in, so I assume that's constant across all Sierra games.
Code: [Select]
(enum 1

(procedure (EgoDead what how &tmp printRet)
;stops all sounds, plays the death music, and gives the player a choice:
; Restore, Restart, Quit or
; Retry, Restore, Quit
; 'what' decides what we're doing: Restart or Retry.
; if 'what' == DIE_RETRY (-1), it's a Retry death;
; if 'what' == DIE_RESTART (-2), it's a Restart death (explicitly defined).
; any other values are assumed to be the original EgoDead function, for a Restart death (implicitly defined),
; and should be fully passed to the Print procedure.
; 'how' is this specific death's flag, to be set in the eventFlags variable, via the Bset function
; (CI: NOTE: This procedure is a recreation, based on Eric Oaklands's SCI01 template)
; it has been modified to more closely match the original asm, which is commented out but intact above,
; then has been further modified to support a Retry mode.

(Wait 100)

(theGame setCursor: normalCursor TRUE)
(sounds eachElementDo: #stop)

(if (!= deathMusic NULL)
(music number: deathMusic priority: 15 init: play:)

;if we're specifying a way the player died, then we'll set the flag for that death method.
(if (and (== what DIE_RETRY) (!= how DIE_NOFLAG))
(++ deathCount)
(= prevDeathNum how) ;we're going to flag out *every* time the hero dies.
(if (not (Btst how))
(Bset how)
(++ deathCountUnique)

(= printRet
;1st priority: the new Retry dialog
((== what DIE_RETRY)
(Print &rest
#width 250
#button { Retry_} RETRY
#button {Restore} RESTORE
#button { Quit_} QUIT
;2nd priority: an explicit DIE_RESTART flag with no second parameter
((== what DIE_RESTART)
(Print how &rest
#width 250
#button {Restore} RESTORE
#button { Restart_} RESTART
#button { Quit_} QUIT
;finally, any original script EgoDeath scripts
((>= what 0)
(Print what how &rest
#width 250
#button {Restore} RESTORE
#button { Restart_} RESTART
#button { Quit_} QUIT
(switch printRet
(RESTORE ;restore
(theGame restore:)
(RESTART ;restart
(theGame restart:)
(QUIT ;quit
(= quit TRUE)
(RETRY ;retry
(if (!= deathMusic NULL)
(music stop:)

If you wanted, you could stop here and compile your game without changing anything else. All existing calls to EgoDead will continue to function as they always have, bringing up the RESTORE/RESTART/QUIT dialog.

I'll describe the DeathSheet and actually implementing the new EgoDead function in game script in the next post.

EDIT: I forgot, I also added a couple of global variables to  There were several unused variables in QFG1EGA, so I was able to just rename one of them, without adding any more.
Code: [Select]
deathCount ;added by CI: the total number of times Ego has died (shown on the Death List)
deathCountUnique ;added by CI: the number of unique ways Ego has died (shown on the Death List)
prevDeathNum ;added by CI: Used to highlight the most recent death in the Death List.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2020, 10:00:17 PM by Charles »

Offline Charles

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2020, 03:06:53 PM »
To implement the Retry in game scripts, you have to make a slight mental change to how you think of EgoDeath dialogs.

In classic Sierra games, once the EgoDead function has been called nothing else in the script matters. The current game state is effectively destroyed. The only way to go from there is reload the game state (Restore), restart the game state from scratch (Restart), or just closing the game state altogether. As a consequence, there was no clean-up to worry about in those game scripts.

With Retry now as a viable option, you must assume that the current game state is still active. The current game state is only destroyed if the user explicitly restores or quits.  Immediately after the call to EgoDead in your game script, you must reset the scene.

For simple dialog-only deaths, that's easy... nothing has moved, you can just pick up and carry on.

For more complex deaths where there is some animation or scripting happening before the actual death, you must manually reset the positioning and visible state of all actors and views and close (or NULL) any open scripts.  In some cases this also means changing how some items are displayed. I came across some AddToPic commands for some views, that could no longer be a constant part of the scene where Retry was a possibility.

There are some instances where you'll want to move Ego to a previous screen during a Retry. In that case, set another flag to let that room know you're entering it because of a Retry. If there are more than 1 retries that take you to that room, use a few flags.  I found an unused flag in QFG1, and called it DIE_RETRY_INPROGRESS.  For the Target Range (when spying on Bruno, I also added in ENTERROOM_WEST and ENTERROOM_EAST to know which side of the room to replace them.)

The good news though, is these can be tackled one at a time without breaking your game's ability to compile. Because the EgoDead is backwards compatible with existing EgoDead script calls.

Now as for the actual syntax, a classic EgoDead call looks like this:
Code: [Select]
0 28
#title {The surgeon general warns . . ._}
#icon (GetEgoViewNumber vEgoDeathScenes) 0 0
Specify the view, then the title, icon, etc.
With the new EgoDead function there are 2 new ways to call it.  If you want a Retry death, without recording that  death happened, use the DIE_NOFLAG command as your first parameter, then continue the rest as normal.
Code: [Select]
0 28
#title {The surgeon general warns . . ._}
#icon (GetEgoViewNumber vEgoDeathScenes) 0 0

But, if you want to really take advantage of the Retry, but incrementing the Death counter, you pass the special define DIE_RETRY and the flag number:
Code: [Select]
0 28
#title {The surgeon general warns . . ._}
#icon (GetEgoViewNumber vEgoDeathScenes) 0 0

There is one more special flag, and this is mostly for debugging purposes.  When I was working through updating each death one by one, it helped to do a quick Text Search and find all that I had left to do.  For that, you can update each EgoDead reference to use the special DIE_RESTART flag.  This still produces a Restore/Restart/Quit dialog, but it allows you to do a global search on EgoDead DIE_RESTART and find all remaining instances.
Code: [Select]
0 28
#title {The surgeon general warns . . ._}
#icon (GetEgoViewNumber vEgoDeathScenes) 0 0

Offline Charles

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2020, 03:23:46 PM »
And lastly, the fun part: displaying the Deaths in game!

A couple caveat to this, I think this code can be improved a bunch. It has a limitation that it will only show 60 deaths.  I want to use a paged view, but I couldn't get that working. So if somebody else wants to do that, I'd love to see it. As a consequence of that limitation, whatever the most recent death is will always be shown 1st in red. Then all the rest will show, up to 60.

Another limitation is that I don't save every new death since this screen was last viewed... only the most recent death.  I'm kinda assuming that most players will check the death log right away, but I'm very biased about that because that's just what i did (it being a new and exciting feature and all).

This is basically a modification of QFG1EGA's Inventory Sheet.  That's where the majority of the code came from, I just modified it to fit these purposes.  I used room 650. The real secret to this though is text.651.  This is a hand-written brief account of each death, starting at 0.  text 651 0 equals death DIE_START (or 450 from our initial enum).  It makes it a pain to reorder any deaths. And this order is the order they're ultimately displayed on screen.

Code: [Select]
;;; Sierra Script 1.0 - (do not remove this comment)
(script# 650)
(include (include (include
(use Main)
(use _Inventory)
(use _System)
(use _Interface)

theDeathSheet 0


(procedure (DisplayDeathText death x y &tmp invQty [str 40])
651 (- death DIE_START)
p_at (+ x 5) y
p_mode teJustLeft
p_font smallFont
p_color (if (== death prevDeathNum) vLRED else vLBLUE)
;display name of death

(procedure (DisplayDeathHeader &tmp [str 40])
;Displays a different header depending on how many deaths we've had
((== deathCount 0)
650 0
p_at 10 8
p_mode teJustLeft
p_font 300
p_color vBLUE
;You haven't died at all. Don't be afraid to explore and try new things.
((== deathCount 1)
650 1
p_at 10 8
p_mode teJustLeft
p_font 300
p_color vBLUE
;You have died once.
((== deathCount deathCountUnique)
(Format @str 650 2 deathCount)
p_at 10 8
p_mode teJustLeft
p_font 300
p_color vBLUE
;You have died %u times.
(Format @str 650 3 deathCount deathCountUnique)
p_at 10 8
p_mode teJustLeft
p_font 300
p_color vBLUE
;You have died %u times, in %u unique ways

(procedure (DisplayDeathPage pageStart offset &tmp i x y nextDeathStart)
(= i pageStart)
(= x 10)
(= y (+ 24 (* offset SMALL_LINE_HEIGHT)))
(= nextDeathStart 0)
(while (<= i DIE_END) ;there are currently 60 deaths. So that's how many we will show.
;if this is a true death, and it doesn't match the most recent death
(if (and (Btst i) (not (== i prevDeathNum)) )
(if (<= y 160)
;display the death text
(DisplayDeathText i x y)
;otherwise, make note of where to start the next page, and end this page.
(= nextDeathStart i)
(= i DIE_END)
;increment to the next line. If the next line is too far down, shift to the next column
(if (and (> y 160) (== x 10))
(= y 24)
(= x 170)
(++ i)
(return nextDeathStart)

(class DeathSheet of Object
nsTop 0
nsLeft 0
nsBottom southEdge
theWindow NULL
state 0
register 0
more FALSE
startAt 0

(method (init &tmp i x y pageStart [str 40])
(super init:)
(self clearWindow:)
(self drawContents:)

(method (drawContents &tmp pageStart offset)
;decide what header to show

;if there's a new death, we'll show that at the top row
(= offset 0)
(if prevDeathNum
(DisplayDeathText prevDeathNum 10 24)
(= offset 1)

;now we show the individual deaths.
(= pageStart (DisplayDeathPage (+ DIE_START startAt) offset))

(if (> pageStart DIE_START)
(= startAt pageStart)
(= more TRUE)
(Display 206 3 p_at 200 172 p_mode teJustRight p_font 300 p_color vBLUE p_width 100)
;(and more . . .)
(= more FALSE)
;now show the second page, then third page, etc. until we're done.

;clear any "Previous Death" flags.
(= prevDeathNum 0)

(method (clearWindow &tmp newWindow)
(= newWindow
(NewWindow nsTop nsLeft nsBottom nsRight {} nwNORMAL nwON_TOP vBLUE vWHITE)
(if theWindow
(DisposeWindow theWindow)
(= theWindow newWindow)

(method (doit &tmp newEvent evtType)
(= evtType nullEvt)
(while (not evtType)
(GlobalToLocal (= newEvent (Event new:)))
((not more)
(= evtType (newEvent type?))
((and (== keyDown (newEvent type?)) (== KEY_ESC (newEvent message?)) )
;there's more to see, but the user has clicked ESC
(= evtType (newEvent type?))
((not (== nullEvt (newEvent type?)))
;do anything else
(= evtType (newEvent type?))
;CI: TODO: Show a second page.
;(Print {Skip to next page})
;(self clearWindow:)

;(= evtType (newEvent type?))
(newEvent dispose:)
(self dispose:)

(method (dispose)
(DisposeWindow theWindow)
(super dispose:)
(DisposeScript 650)

(instance theDeathSheet of DeathSheet

Then some brief modifications to the Menu script, to get it to show as an option. In a few places. 
I've given easy names to reference them. Sierra measures them in hex, so $500 is 0x500 = 1280. And that's the 5th drop down menu.

You have to manually line these enums with the AddMenu below, if you want to reference the menu items by name.
Code: [Select]
$500 infoM
I decided on CTRL-H for the DeatH List. I had also changed the Time/Day to line up with QFG2.
Note each entry is seperated by a : and --! represents a line. ^ is CTRL.
Code: [Select]
{ Information_}
{Inventory`^i:Char Sheet`^s:--!:Time/Day`^d:Ask about`^a:Look at`^l:--!:Deaths List`^h}

since the DeathScreen is pretty much a copy of the Inventory Screen, I copied the same requirements before loading it. It won't load in the Brigand Dining Hall (I guess before it uses a lot of memory?) nor if there's less than 2000 bytes(?) of memory free.
Code: [Select]
(method (handleEvent event &tmp [i 3] newVol [str 300] temp304)
(switch (super handleEvent: event)
;(Print {Not yet implemented.} #title {Deaths List})
((or (not (HaveMem 2000)) (== curRoomNum 95)) ;brigand dining hall (presumably, this room requires a lot of memory)
(HighPrint MENU 5)
;Sorry, there's not enough room to see that here.
((not isEgoLocked)
((ScriptID 650 0) init: doit:)

NOTE: Using pretty much the exact same design, it should actually be pretty easy to also implement a Points Screen, to see exactly where you're gotten the points you're at.

Offline Doan Sephim

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2020, 06:03:35 PM »
Awesome! Thanks for this. I'll be spending some time tonight to read thru all of this. Thanks for going to the trouble to put this how-to together!

Offline Kawa

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2020, 06:04:03 PM »
An impressive three-parter 👏

For comparison, here's my analysis of Leisure Suit Larry 6's retry system.

Offline Charles

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2020, 10:07:08 PM »
Thank you for posting that. A large part of my inspiration was my vague memory of that feature in LSL6.  I believe there's also one whereby you get electrocuted by the electric fence... although I seemed to recall after you did that once, they just removed the death the next time, and said something like "Not doing that again."... no sense telling the same joke twice, I guess.

I never bothered to look into how they did it, before proceeding with my own take. Looks fairly similar to how I implemented, but a bit cleaner... I think I kinda like that they passed a script reference to EgoDead, and let it cue: to the next state.

I've wanted to do this since about the time AGD was working on their KQ1VGA remake. I even suggested it to them, citing LSL6, after I had unexpectedly died by clicking on a large boulder from the wrong side. They passed... I think they said it didn't stay true to the original Sierra vibe they were going for. What was that, nearly 20 years ago?  Gads.

Offline Kawa

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2020, 06:04:24 AM »
In a sense, Sierra didn't "stay true to the original Sierra vibe", then.

I also studied the fast forward buttons in Larry and Freddy, btw.

Offline Doan Sephim

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2020, 01:31:46 PM »
This part of the code results in many errors that seem to stem from the difference between naming conventions between either SCI01 and SCI0 or actual sierra code vs the template.

Some of them I knew - like "handsoff" being "ProgramControl," but I'm not sure how to rectify all of them.
Code: [Select]
(enum 1

(procedure (EgoDead what how &tmp printRet)
;stops all sounds, plays the death music, and gives the player a choice:
; Restore, Restart, Quit or
; Retry, Restore, Quit
; 'what' decides what we're doing: Restart or Retry.
; if 'what' == DIE_RETRY (-1), it's a Retry death;
; if 'what' == DIE_RESTART (-2), it's a Restart death (explicitly defined).
; any other values are assumed to be the original EgoDead function, for a Restart death (implicitly defined),
; and should be fully passed to the Print procedure.
; 'how' is this specific death's flag, to be set in the eventFlags variable, via the Bset function
; (CI: NOTE: This procedure is a recreation, based on Eric Oaklands's SCI01 template)
; it has been modified to more closely match the original asm, which is commented out but intact above,
; then has been further modified to support a Retry mode.

(Wait 100)

(theGame setCursor: normalCursor TRUE)
(sounds eachElementDo: #stop)

(if (!= deathMusic NULL)
(music number: deathMusic priority: 15 init: play:)

;if we're specifying a way the player died, then we'll set the flag for that death method.
(if (and (== what DIE_RETRY) (!= how DIE_NOFLAG))
(++ deathCount)
(= prevDeathNum how) ;we're going to flag out *every* time the hero dies.
(if (not (Btst how))
(Bset how)
(++ deathCountUnique)

(= printRet
;1st priority: the new Retry dialog
((== what DIE_RETRY)
(Print &rest
#width 250
#button { Retry_} RETRY
#button {Restore} RESTORE
#button { Quit_} QUIT
;2nd priority: an explicit DIE_RESTART flag with no second parameter
((== what DIE_RESTART)
(Print how &rest
#width 250
#button {Restore} RESTORE
#button { Restart_} RESTART
#button { Quit_} QUIT
;finally, any original script EgoDeath scripts
((>= what 0)
(Print what how &rest
#width 250
#button {Restore} RESTORE
#button { Restart_} RESTART
#button { Quit_} QUIT
(switch printRet
(RESTORE ;restore
(theGame restore:)
(RESTART ;restart
(theGame restart:)
(QUIT ;quit
(= quit TRUE)
(RETRY ;retry
(if (!= deathMusic NULL)
(music stop:)

Offline Kawa

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2020, 01:54:13 PM »
What are the actual errors?

Offline Doan Sephim

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2020, 01:56:53 PM »
What are the actual errors?
Code: [Select]
  [Error]: Unknown procedure 'HandsOff' .  Line: 525, col: 10
  [Error]: Unknown identifier: 'theGame' .  Line: 528, col: 2
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'normalCursor' .  Line: 528, col: 21
  [Error]: Unknown identifier: 'sounds' .  Line: 529, col: 2
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'deathMusic' .  Line: 531, col: 9
  [Error]: Unknown identifier: 'music' .  Line: 532, col: 3
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'deathMusic' .  Line: 532, col: 17
  [Error]: Unknown identifier: 'theGame' .  Line: 579, col: 5
  [Error]: Unknown identifier: 'theGame' .  Line: 582, col: 5
  [Error]: Unknown variable 'quit' .  Line: 585, col: 6
  [Error]: type 'int' cannot be assigned to type 'Unknown-type'.  Line: 585, col: 6
  [Error]: Undeclared identifier 'deathMusic' .  Line: 589, col: 12
  [Error]: Unknown identifier: 'music' .  Line: 590, col: 6
  [Error]: Unknown procedure 'HandsOn' .  Line: 592, col: 12
Compiling failed.
14 errors, 0 warnings.

Offline Charles

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2020, 03:10:36 PM »
I'd like to help reconcile my variable names to your variable names. Is your code based off Eric's SCI0 template?  (If you're basing it off of old SCI Studio script and naming conventions, I'm pretty clueless there).

I'm not sure HandsOff translates to ProgramControl.  In Eric's Template HandsOff and HandsOn are global functions defined in
Code: [Select]
(procedure (HandsOn)
;Enable ego control
(= isHandsOff FALSE)
(User canControl: TRUE canInput: TRUE)
(theGame setCursor: normalCursor (HaveMouse))

(procedure (HandsOff)
;Disable ego control
(= isHandsOff TRUE)
(User canControl: FALSE canInput: FALSE)
(theGame setCursor: waitCursor TRUE)
(ego setMotion: 0)

The normalCursor variable is the same as global20, from (so starting at 0, count down to variable number 20); theGame is global01; sounds is global08; quit is global04;

deathMusic is a variable unique to QFG1GA. You may not have it in yours. You'll have to comment out that line in that case.

Edited to add:
'music' is a reference to an instance of Sound near the bottom on, in mine:
Code: [Select]
(instance music of Sound
number 26
priority 10
I think you probably have similar. Eric's Template stores that instance in a variable called theMusic. It appears QFG1EGA only calls it directly.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 03:19:14 PM by Charles »

Offline Doan Sephim

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2020, 03:56:39 PM »
I was considering moving over to Eric's template, but the variation on naming conventions for procedures and variables was difficult for me to process so I stuck with Brian's older template having grown accustomed to it.

I will tinker around with finding the analogous variables and procedures to get this working. This is what I have for ProgramControl:
Code: [Select]
(procedure (ProgramControl)
(User canControl: false canInput: false)
(gEgo setMotion: NULL)
(SetCursor 997 (HaveMouse))
(= gCurrentCursor 997)

(procedure (PlayerControl)
(User canControl: true canInput: true)
(gEgo setMotion: NULL)
(SetCursor 999 (HaveMouse))
(= gCurrentCursor 999)
Comparing the code, the differences do seem more than cosmetic and there might be some internal workings that may not translate properly with the template I'm using.

I was hoping to not have to overhaul my current code, but it's looking like it may be necessary if I would like to progress with certain things.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 03:58:30 PM by Doan Sephim »
Artificial Intelligence Competition

Offline Charles

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2020, 05:39:41 PM »
Ah yeah, I agree. ProgramControl and PlayerControl look analogous to HandsOff and HandsOn.

If you’re not comfortable changing all your variable names (which I get), try at least importing some of the headers from the template game in, so you’ll have access to the newer defines.

Offline Doan Sephim

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2020, 07:00:43 PM »
Nevermind. I'm just going to go with the newer template

Edit: I now remember why I didn't stay with the newer template - nothing I have works anymore and it's not just naming conventions that are different - some of the guts are different too. I'm can't devote the time necessary to become conversant with it as my expertise level in programming is very low and I have to focus on all the other design aspects of the game.

I'm going to have to skip the template upgrade for now, and I will have to shelf this cool new functionality for the time being as well.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2020, 11:09:34 PM by Doan Sephim »
Artificial Intelligence Competition

Offline Charles

Re: Retry/Restore/Quit Death Dialog
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2020, 10:58:14 PM »
That reminds me, the use statements in the DeathScript are referencing my custom file names. I prefaced system scripts with an underscore for easier file sorting, so those are completely non-standard.
Interface is script 255, Inventory and System are in the 900s. I don’t recall exactly which right now, on my phone. I’ll have to sort that out and update the post to make it more compatible with the Template Game.

I know Phil mentioned making the use statements redundant was on his TODO list at one point. Kawa, is that implemented in your latest SCICompanion build?

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