The track name must start with a list of devices that should play this track and a few other things in square brackets, followed by the regular track name if wanted:
*: Applies to all devices, typically channel 16 defining loop points.
a: Track played by ADL.DRV
j: Track played by CMS.DRV
g: Track played by MTBLAST.DRV
h: Track played by GENMIDI.DRV or Windows 3.1 Extended MIDI ("High synth")
l: Track played by Windows 3.1 Basic MIDI ("Low synth")
m: Track played by MT32.DRV
s: Track played by STD.DRV
t: Track played by TANDY3V.DRV
A sound driver's function number 0 returns in CH its device letter minus ASCII 61h ('a') to the interpreter, i.e. MT-32 returns 0Ch ('m' minus 'a'). In some games, MTBLAST.DRV plays 'm' rather than 'g' tracks, and in games composed for MT-32 but with a GENMIDI.DRV added after-market, or after composition (PQ1, Laura Bow), GENMIDI plays 'm' rather than 'g' tracks as well while remapping program change numbers based on 4.PAT information.
Special characters:
!: Do not remap channel ("Locked channel"). Required for MT-32 rhythm tracks (MIDI channel 10).
#: Track is initially disabled ("Ghost channel"), but can be enabled by game. Used for multiple melody lines, for example in LSL6.
Number 0-9 before "/": Initial voice allocation (i.e. number of voices used by MIDI channel)
Number 0-9 after "/: Pre-emption priority. Channels without it cannot be pre-empted, i.e. will never be disabled for the benefit of MIDI sound effects. Sierra's MIDI code is too confusing for me to tell whether it's a higher or a lower priority that makes a channel more or less likely to be pre-empted.
"[ajmt2/1] Melody": Played by AdLib, Game Blaster, MT-32, Tandy; initially allocate 2 voices, pre-emption priority 1.
"[gm!] Rhythm": General MIDI/MT-32 rhythm track.