Setting the root folder to RootFolder "MyComputer" is supposed to do that. Since adding that I have not noticed it not scrolling to the selected folder. The only thing that I can think of is that it is not loading its config file or the lastBrowsePath value is null or invalid. When it happens is MyComputer selected? I am curious as to the hack you devised.
By "My Computer" do you mean "This PC"? That is the name of the top level node in the tree for me, which I assume is the same thing. Yeah, searching that online a bit, it sounds like it was renamed a few years back, and its the same thing. So given that, then yes, "This PC" is always at the top of the tree of nodes, regardless of whether the scroll down happens or doesn't happen, and in both cases the preselected game folder is highlighted. What I mean is that even though the selected folder is always highlighted, it is sometimes not visible as it is outside the area currently shown, due to it not having scrolled down. It has the feel of a timing issue, e.g. perhaps the scroll bit sometimes kicks in before the selection has been fully applied, but that is just a wild guess. No idea what the code for that component looks like.
The hack I devised is simply to issue a couple of key strokes in code. For example, the down key followed by the up key caused it to scroll down to the selected folder, and the net effect is that it is still selected. The down key would actually move one item down in the list of folders, and the up key would move back up one item, thus taking it back to where it started. This is really hacky, but seems to work for me. But if no one else is seeing this, then maybe it isn't an urgent thing to fix.
I like the idea of skipping the CP questions. Gold Rush v3 (Software Farm version) has no copy check questions, which is why I always use it when I play the game. What about making skipping optional? Skipping the age questions in LSL would be nice as well. I don't remember if LSL1 has different "dirtyness" levels based on how well you do with the age questions the way some later games in the series.
Yeah, the way I'm implementing the patches, it would be trivial to wrap it with a new preference setting.